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It's here sooner than one may think...

Awww, hi, honey!!! Wow, a frenchie who actually likes snow! You would think Bambi was stepping on hot coals. :lol:
Too cute.... I guess he stole Momma's glove?

BTW -- LOVE your signature :laugh:
She's born in september so she grew up with a very snowy winter. She loves it.
It's daddy's glove... [emoji1]

Sent from my camp fire using smoke signals.
Am I missing something - what signature?

For me.... it is a picture of my sweet Bulldogs that have past .... Banks and Nitschke.

For Hawkansson, it reads ' Sent form my camp fire using smoke signals' --- cracks me up!!!
Ohhhhh; I saw that but didn't know that is what it was.

Wait.... Snow in August?!? Canada really confuses me sometimes lol. I do, however, ADORE Canadians lol
Wait.... Snow in August?!? Canada really confuses me sometimes lol. I do, however, ADORE Canadians lol

We say as Canadians that the only thing predictable about the weather is how unpredictable it is! It has been really warm where i am in ontario for the past two weeks and i woke up this morning to freezing cold. I don't know how Nellie will deal with the snow once it gets here

its like 32 degrees celcius here
Ha, ha! No, that clip's from last year. Sorry if I was confusing y'all. [emoji1]

Right now we're in early autumn with rain and crappy weather in general.

Sent from my camp fire using smoke signals.