Lap puppy


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Jul 12, 2020
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I have incontinence and would like my puppy to be a lap puppy. What can I do to reduce urine odor so he won’t be offended by my incontinence
I have no experience personally, but when I need to eliminate pet urine odor, I’ve used vinegar/water. Not sure if that helps, but thought I’d mention it

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I have incontinence and would like my puppy to be a lap puppy. What can I do to reduce urine odor so he won’t be offended by my incontinence

Based on all the farting Loki has put us through without a care in the world, there is a good chance your puppy will not be offended.
Puppy first use of potty training puppy apartment went straight in decided to sleep on training pad instead of blanket. Hope that does not effect him using pad correctly