Maps has a new (bad) obsession


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Dec 15, 2013
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So Maple is now 21 months old (almost 2 :w00t:) and over the past couple weeks I noticed that she went back to putting everything in her mouth. Particulary outside ; Leafs, rocks and her new favourite thing : Sticks! She had never been interested in sticks whatsoever,but now she pulls towards it the moment she spots one and has to carry it. If another dog has a stick, she wants it. She is totally obsessed with sticks! I dont like it because I dont want her playing/chewing on sticks but whenever I tell her to leave it,she just ignores me and takes off with it. (And she is usually really good with the command leave it. I can drop food right infront of her and she wont touch it if I tell her to leave it).

Is this the first sign that we are getting closer to our 'terrible 2's ' ? :fie:
I think my pups have been in their terrible 2's since they were born... HA!

No, Isabelle never bothers anything if I say no, Titan is 7 months and obsessed with everything, and teaching a deaf dog to drop something when they aren't even looking at you is well... challenging to say the least.

She probably has a new found love of sticks since she never used to be interested at all... Kind of like when they get a new bone and they want to chew and chew forever cause OH ITS NEW. Haha.

Hopefully she starts listening to your drop it command about them... Maybe try bringing a stick in the house, and other toys/treats and just re-conditioning her? Wouldn't hurt to try. :)
Well, at least it's better to chew sticks than rocks! Our Pepper is like a construction worker: everytime we go out she comes in with a rock in her mouth. Maybe she is bulding a nest?! She is obsessed :)

Rock colection.jpg
Kevin Margaret is only 10 1/2 weeks and is absolutely OBSESSED with sticks, and maple seeds, and rocks... if it's on the ground she wants it; sigh. Drop it does NOT work. Not sure how I'm going to get through these toddler stages, she is one bold little girl - good thing she has that adorable smooshie face, it makes it all worth it <3
Cheli was obsessed with sticks as a pup, but not he really does not care, he is more about people and toads :blink: he is always on the hunt for toads
H loves sticks too, he carries them around proudly on walks. We refer to them as treasures. He knows he has to leave them before we get into the elevator. Our landscaping guys just put down all new mulch and there are some big chunks of wood in there, he acts like it's god's gift to him lol

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One good thing I've found, when a dog is carrying a stick his/her mouth is not available to eat grass, eat deer poop, pick up rocks, etc.
Im glad to hear Im not the only one with a stick obsessed Frenchie. Its just so weird that she was never interested and from one day to the other she started being very interested.

But Blushy your comment made me wonder : If I just let her have it,she might loose interest sooner or later. Because I believe they are like children this way : The more mommy doesnt want me to have something,the more I want it!
Silly girl,sticks are for boys! Why cant she play princess & have a tea party instead of running through bushes on the hunt for sticks ? :D
My 3 month old puppy does the same thing! When I let him in the back yard I have to watch him like a hawk!!! He eats cherries and the pits that fall from our cherry tree, rocks, sticks, leaves, weeds!!! ANYTHING LOL its so frustrating trying to chase him down and get whatever he is eating out of his mouth! He had a bunch of cherry seeds in his poop today. Hoping he loses interest in this lol
Im glad to hear Im not the only one with a stick obsessed Frenchie. Its just so weird that she was never interested and from one day to the other she started being very interested.

But Blushy your comment made me wonder : If I just let her have it,she might loose interest sooner or later. Because I believe they are like children this way : The more mommy doesnt want me to have something,the more I want it!
Silly girl,sticks are for boys! Why cant she play princess & have a tea party instead of running through bushes on the hunt for sticks ? :D

haha! Maple is the dog version of me. lol!

Wally loves sticks but mostly when it's a stick his sister Uma wants. If she's not interested neither is he.

I had to include this pic of Uma. She found this stick on a walk and carried it all the way home, a 30 minute walk. She's crazy. :yes: