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Mommy and/or Daddy and Me!

Calle Roo

New member
May 12, 2014
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Below is a picture of Q-Roux and myself heading to Petsmart for our 2x weekly walk, socialize and shop. I apologize in advance as I was talking, smirking and saying hi to someone walking by, so out of all of the pictures with my mouth (and double chin) positioned weirdly, this is the best that came out. We spent 2 hours at Petsmart. Q got a jacket for winter, slow feed bowl, puppy daily vitamins and Buy 2 Get 1 Free toys.

I'd love you see you and your puppies together, so we can put a face with a name. Feel free to post below.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!

Some good pics. I don't have any with my babies, I'm always behind the camera. :)
We had a great photographer at our frenchie meet-up last sun, and she captured this!

Nope, nope, nope, way too cool for a selfie. :P

Here's me and Hudson.

I don't have a good one of Hudson and my boyfriend because they are still learning to get along (battle of the attention hogs!!!) haha.

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Quella and I were goofing around lastnight and we got this shot. It's not great, but shares the bond between mommy and her Roux. I call it 'When pigs can fly' being she's my lil 16# ham hock.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413078798.662911.webpImageUploadedByTapatalk1413078820.294996.webp first is Nikki(mom) and zeta and second is jonathon(dad) and zeta
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