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My little man keeps gagging/hacking, why?


New member
Dec 18, 2018
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So Franco is 18 months old and he licks everything, the floor his bed, the rugs. For the last couple weeks he’s been as best as I can describe it, gagging. He seems like he’s about to vomit but nothing comes out. My husband and I think he’s got hair and what not stuck in his throat but then I started researching and I came up with Brachycelphalic Syndrome. He snores sometimes but doesn’t struggle to breathe and does not have a super flat face. Any ideas?
Could be phlegm build up.. squirt a little lemon juice in his throat it helps break up the phlegm

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Could be phlegm build up.. squirt a little lemon juice in his throat it helps break up the phlegm

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Seems the lemon juice worked! He hasn’t gagged since I squirted it in his mouth! Thanks so much 2bullymama!
Hi! I am new to the group and did a search on hacking, looking for an answer to why my baby girl was hacking and gagging and vomiting. She felt fine but this all started middle of the night last night. I was getting ready to take her to the vet for an emergency visit when I saw the lemon juice, thought I would try it. You guys just saved me several hundred dollars and several hours out of my day! I gave her some water, a little lemon juice in it, which to be honest, she wasn't initially thrilled about, and bam! Problem resolved! She hasn't coughed, hacked or anything in about an hour!