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Neuter before 6 months old??


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Dec 9, 2015
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My dog Shaka is going on 4 months and I've been contemplating getting him neutered before he's 6 months old. My previous dog, an American Bulldog, was neutered before 6 months and never had any issues.

What are the cons to having him neutered this early?
We have had an English Bulldog neutered at 5&1/2 mos. before because of a hernia repair that was needed. He developed normally. It is advised to wait until a Frenchie is 18 mos. to 2 years so they get their full growth. Buster is half English, half French and we needed to neuter him at 8 mos. because of some behavior issues
There are many reasons why no dog should ever be neutered this young.
Try the search function for this forum. We have had this topic come up numerous times.
I would not recommend anything under 8 mths of age
Our vet always recommends neutering around 18 months of age.
We just got Meeka neutered at 6 months, our vet highly recommended it before she started to get her hormones.
This is exactly what I was told and the reason why I asked.

Hormones are essential for a healthy dog! By desexing them this early you take away important hormones for growth and other developments(physicially and mentally). For example the growth plates between the joints won't be able to properly grow and you will have lots of joint problems later.

It's a sin that a vet would recommend such thing! I would be furious and leave their office immediately.
You can't really say "you will have lots of joint problems later". I agree that spay or neuter before 6 months is too early, but humane societies neuter at like 7 weeks and most of those dogs are fine and live normal lives like any other dog.
I got Jax neutered at 6 months and he is now almost 3 and he has developed just fine. However, I definitely would not suggest getting it done younger than 6 months.
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