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Neutering Questions


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Jun 8, 2014
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So Dante is now 7 1/2 Months & I've decided to do the big chop at 8 months. He hasn't displayed any unwanred behavior due to his hormones just yet.... Just marking at the dog park (on peoples shoes). He's also generally more aloof when we're out. Wonder what's going on in that head?! Anyway, as far as anesthesia protocol when it comes to Frenchies, what are some things I absolutely need to confirm with my vet before the procedure?
I would make sure to speak with him/her before the procedure to find out how familiar he/she is with brachycephalic breeds and anesthetizing them. Things are done a little differently with Frenchies than a dog with a longer airway. If you don't feel comfortable, go to a different vet to have the procedure done.
I'm not the best for help, but one requirement when Q has her surgeries is that they leave her intubated until she is physically coming out of the anesthesia.

My vet has Boston Terriers, so I've just trusted that the procedures would be based around a Brachycephalic breed.

I'm definitely anxious to see what others say as well, so I'm better prepared when I take Q in.

After watching Dr. K's: Exotic Vet, Dr. Pol and Dr. Oakley shows, I see that accidents happen to normal and healthy dogs, so it's got me very anxious. Luckily I opted for the pre-surgery bloodwork, which showed elevated liver enzymes, which we're working on with a lower protein diet and supplements. The vet said Quella appears to be healthy, but I would've hated to put her under without that bloodwork being done.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
My vet specializes in Frenchies so I was very comfortable that she knew what she was doing. I had a greyhound that was super sensitive to anesthesia and had to be revived every time she went under and I didn't want that to happen to Radar. She did a great job with absolutely no issues. So, I would check with the vet, see how many frenchies they have put under and the results, if not much experience I would find someone who is experienced.

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Find a good bully vet and you should have no problems. A good anesthesia to use is Isoflurane.
I know the vet has other Frenchie patients. I just know that there is certain protocols to follow when it comes to Brachy breeds. I want to cover all of my bases & not go in fully trusting my vet to do the right thing.
I actually went with the OSPCA (gov't owned animal hospitals) for a much cheaper price. There are 5 locations around me but I went to a specific one for Wally because they are experienced in neutering the Brachy dog breeds. There were no complications with Wally's surgery and as usual everyone fell in love with him.

Found a link to the French Bulldog Rescue site that lists the protocol for Frenchies undergoing anesthesia. You can download a pdf and discuss it with your Vet.

Tallulah was spayed last month and I was worried too. I discussed it with my Vet prior and he was familiar with the protocols and assured me that he was comfortable with the breed. She had no problems at all, and except for being excessively sleepy the day she had it done, she was back to your puppy self the next day and you never would have known she had anything done! We didn't need the cone of shame - she never even tried to get to her wound. My biggest worry was keeping her less active for a few days.