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Laura 55

New member
Dec 15, 2017
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Hi, I'm new here. I have a French bulldog which is about 1 1/2 years old.
Welcome to FBN

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Hi everyone. Just joined this group. Glad to be aboard. You all have some cute fur babies and love to read your shared information. Coming from a lifelong (and still) world of the Dogue de Bordeauxs aka French Mastiffs, having a Frenchie is somewhat new to me again. I got my guy Cash who turns two this March, this year in September to join my mastiff EF5D1957-5EE7-4D5F-82EA-C94CD10FA0DD.webp gang because they did so well with the two frenchies I had well over a decade ago. However, things have changed so much since then in a lot of ways, from color, size, to so much more. Glad to found a community place to pop in and learn and enjoy other Frenchies. Thanks for having me.1900AE50-EB09-4F6B-B0F1-71FB744ED93B.webp
:welcome3: to FBN! Your boy is a beauty .

Love to see pictures of your French Mastiff

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Welcome to the site and can't wait to see pics of your baby.
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