Not sure if my pet is Frenchie is too lean for his age


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Jul 28, 2016
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Rocco is about to turn 11 months next week and I 've been told that he is too lean for being a Frenchie. I do have his birth certificate where confirms he is a pure Frenchie, however he is not as bulky as Frenchies are. I am starting to think that he may not be 100% French. Any opinions?

He kind of looks like he might be crossed with a Boston..... but I don't know... especially since his birth cert says pure bred.

Maybe hes just in that awkward stage most frenchies go thru
.. they do start to bulk up at this age!! and don't fully mature until 2 years old. So give it some time and I bet he will fill out.

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He certainly has Frenchie ears! He is adorable. I agree with [MENTION=1276]hannah[/MENTION], he is at that gangly stage and will start to fill in as he ages!
I have the same issue with Nellie. She is very lanky and most ppl tell me she looks more like a Boston. Her certificate also says she's a frenchie. She is the runt of her litter and her litter mates were huge! One of them was 7 lbs at 8 weeks while Nellie was barely 4lbs. As far as I know they come in various shapes and sizes. Because my Nellie was sick with parvo at 9 weeks I was told that she will likely not be huge subdue she was also the runt. How much does Rocco weigh?

I have seen two other frenchies that are just like your Rocco too. I'll try not to worry about it. But I know what you mean. It bugs me sometimes.
Hi all,

Thanks everybody for your comments, as of right now he weights 22 -23 lbs. I recently changed his food from puppy to adult so I hope this will help. The breeder told me that usually at age of 10-12 months we can do this food transaction, it also depends on how the dog reacts to it. But yeah, I think he is in that weird stage, I will wait until he turns at least 2 yrs old to come up with conclusions. He will be loved no matter what, thanks again.
Hi all,

Thanks everybody for your comments, as of right now he weights 22 -23 lbs. I recently changed his food from puppy to adult so I hope this will help. The breeder told me that usually at age of 10-12 months we can do this food transaction, it also depends on how the dog reacts to it. But yeah, I think he is in that weird stage, I will wait until he turns at least 2 yrs old to come up with conclusions. He will be loved no matter what, thanks again.
He is absolutely beautiful .... and I bet he will start filling out. Banksy is a tank now at 1.5 years but he was lanky at 10 months.

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He is adorable!

My Ella is 11 months and is a purebred Frenchie. She was the runt but was a rather large puppy at seven pounds - she's now only 17lbs. full grown! The way Rocco is built actually reminds me of her - more tall and lanky for a Frenchie. He'll probably fill out a bit as he gets older. Good luck with him!
Beezy has always been lean and lanky. She'll be 3 next month and has really just started to fill out in the past 6 months. She's solid and has been described as a "tank" and a "fireplug" but still only weighs 16 lbs. Just like with people, they come in all shapes and sizes. Personally, I like them on the smaller size because they tend to keep their puppy features, which means that she'll always be my baby :)
Those ears!! :lol: His legs do look long but he is still quite young and will do plenty of growing. Wally has long back legs too, he runs like a rabbit. :D
He does look like a Frenchie, but he is leggie and a little thin, but some are like that. He may start to widen out a bit in the next year, but not much. Some are just tall and thin, but they are still beautiful, as he is.
Dexter is like this - he's just over 1 and 10kgs. He looks really tall in comparison to some Frenchies, but I really wouldn't worry. He's super cute!
he is taller, but he still has a lot of growing to do.... up the first year and out the second year