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Open Fontanelle

Jenna Twiner

New member
May 10, 2016
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Hi, I took my puppy, Jax, to the vet yesterday and his fontanelle is still open. This is so scary to me. The vet said that I can return him if that's what I want to do. Well, I have had him since Saturday and I am very attached to him already. How do you return a puppy? I am way too attached to give him back. Opinions are greatly appreciated.
@davdh [MENTION=1]bullmama[/MENTION]

Welcome to FBN.... Returning a puppy to your breeder usually is just a phone call explaining the issue and then they offer a new pup or your money back

Gook luck with everything, i hope your baby is doing well
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If you do not want to return the pup, I would still bring it to the attention of the breeder. There is a chance that the open fontanelle may close some and there is a chance it may not.
When I took Stella to the vet as a puppy, she too had an open fontanelle. It is closed now. My vet also suspected that she had hydrocephalus due to her dome shaped head. A MRI confirmed that she did in fact have mild/moderate hydrocephalus when she was 11 weeks old. I could not give her back even though the breeder was willing to. At two, she is living a relatively normal, happy life and we feel she is meant to be with us.
If cost is not an issue then keep the pup prepared for some medical bills or ask to return and they may help both of you or offer another pup if they are reputable breeders - you will fall in love with another. That sounds cruel but you are just as important and deserve what is best for you as well.
I would contact the breeder and find out what your options are. Each breeder can differ from the next and telling them what is going on is important, regardless if you decide to return the puppy or not.

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Hmm. I agree with [MENTION=722]Schimpfy[/MENTION] this is a dog you will have for a long time... you have to make sure it's right for you. Maybe get it checked out and If it's something that will heal over time then it's fine but if it's connected with hydrocephalus or any other more serious issue than I would consider returning unless you are prepared to be extremely careful to avoid brain damage and the possibilities of all other issues and possibly high vet costs. I don't know much about it but if I were you I would do extensive research to be sure I knew if was prepared to handle the worst case scenario

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I didn't even know what fontanelle was until I researched online. I clearly have no real experience but I wanted to wish you and your pup the best of luck! Lots of good advice in this thread.
Sometimes it takes a little longer for them to close up. How big is it? If it isn't that big, I wouldn't worry about it. We had a pup, I can't remember who it was, might have been Katie, but it took a month or so longer to close up. Our vet said it was no big deal.
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He is 8 weeks old.jax.webp
When I took him to the vet the only thing that he said was that he had an open fontanelle. Nothing was said about him having hydrocephalus. The vet did tell me that if it didn't close and he got hit in the head, there could be some serious issues.
[MENTION=1912]Jenna Twiner[/MENTION], it must still be quite large. Usually they are small and will fill in. Did you vet say how large it was, and have you fell it, so you can gauge in a few weels to see if it is getting smaller?
I would like to update everyone on Jax.....his head is completely grown together and there doesn't seem to be any side affects from it being open!!! We are so happy!!!
Awesome to see!

Always love good news for our little fur babies!

( & Yes even the adults are "little" ;) )

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