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Pierce is Home (and I took forever to post this!!!)!


New member
Apr 28, 2014
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We were able to bring Pierce home a couple days early so we have had him home with us almost a week. We are all in love!! How we get anything done around here is beyond me. We are usually just watching his silly antics, talking about how cute he is when he sleeps, or trying to rescue a shoe or something from him when he is in full energy mode. I have learned to dance around the kitchen in the mornings since my feet are his favorite thing to play with.
Housebreaking is a work in progress, but is getting there. He doesn't let us know yet, but knows where the door is and will run to it. This is definitely the stage where if we watch him, he will let us know when he needs to go. Our dachshund, Schatzi is tolerating him pretty well. She lets him know when to leave him alone and will play occasionally, too. I am so, so glad we have added this little guy to our family. Here are some pictures from the first week. I hope to get my Nikon out this weekend and get some really cool shots of him.

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Oh soooooo cute! Congrats on your new baby!!! Such an adorable little monkey!

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Thanks everyone. Since he is named for the Pierce fire trucks, we hope to go get his picture at the fire station this weekend. My plan is to take him monthly and let that be his "Watch Me Grow" pictures.

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Oh what a cutie!!! I still don't get a lot done because of our guy so I can relate. They are definitely known as "the clown dogs" and can entertain you all day long. Enjoy your new baby:)

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Pierce is too cute, and as much as I like Pierce fire trucks, he has them beat hands down. :) So happy you got your baby, and he is doing well.
Davidh, are you a firefighter? Not everyone knows about Pierce fire trucks unless they work with them or live near Osh Kosh, WI.

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[MENTION=637]rdhy2k[/MENTION], Are you a dental hygienist by chance? The RDH made me wonder. It is what I do and often my user name for websites will be twillisrdh. That is why yours got my attention.

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What a cutie pie :)
Enjoy the baby time, they grow up so fast.

'Schatzi' ? Are you German? :D
Schatzi is a dachshund, so she has a German name. She is really trying hard to remain the queen and alpha dog in the family, but a Pierce really makes it hard sometimes!
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