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Pimples?Warts?What are they?


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Dec 15, 2013
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So last week I noticed a little 'pimple' on Maple. You can see it here
Right side under her nose. Its has since disappeared or is at least not as visible anymore.
Now I noticed two more pimples on Maple. One on her lip


When I 'stretch' her lip, more appear

And another pimple in her private area..I hope its ok if I post a pic of that?!


Maple is a little over 7 months now. Her vagina also just started to get bigger and 'open up' so I am assuming she is getting close to her very first heat.

Is it possible for dogs to get acne ? Just like teenagers that hit puberty?
Or are these warts? When I google dog warts or pimple I see very different things though so I figured Id ask and maybe one of you guys has a clue or seen something similar?
Bulldog acne is a fairly common problem and is usually seen in adolescent bullies. As in people, it can be caused from clogged pores, or it can be a reaction to something. Since young dogs in particular explore the world with their mouths, you can imagine how common it is.

I have found in mild forms, that simply wiping their mouths after they eat, washing their bowls and toys and using only stainless steel bowls, typically clears up the problem very quickly. It doesn't look as if Maple has bad acne at all, so I wouldn't worry too much. If she starts getting irritated and itchy bumps, then it would more than likely be some sort of allergic reaction.

As for her lady part bump, I am not sure if that is acne or not. Sometimes if they lick the area and it remains damp, acne type bumps can appear, but if more show up, it could've some sort of staph infection. Again... Nothing to fret over unless she seems uncomfortable. Then again, that bump may just be a bug bite or a splinter of some sort. I would just keep the area clean and dry and everything should turn out fine.
She is probably getting close to her heat cycle, like you said, and their hormones go crazy and that could be the cause of her pimples. I would think they will go away in a few weeks.
I think I noticed a pimple on Jax this morning as well near his mouth.

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Thank you guys so much for your replies!
Im always way too worried lol. I was nervous it may be doggy herpes or cysts of some sort.

Maples private area is indeed always quite damp (after she cleans herself) so I will keep it dry from now on.
She does have stainless steel dishes and since I feed raw I clean the bowls before and after every meal. But you're right she could have gotten her lips on something. Or her hormones are going a little crazy. Or both. :P

I will keep an eye on the spots for now and try not to worry too much. :D

Thanks again!
You've got some great advice here, all I can add is what a cutie Maple is!
Awww thank you two :)

As for the pimples: They are still there but I dont see any more , they dont look irritated and Maple isnt bothered by them nor does she lick/scratch them , so I will just continue keeping an eye on 'em :)
Looks like canine acne to me. :) She's such a little cutie!
Bella has these. She went to vet for a UTI and she noticed them. She says she thinks bacterial infection, the Clavamox she is on for her UTI has cleared them right up! I wouldn't make a trip to vet, as they probably won't do anything for them. Maybe next time you go in for something else just point them out.

~ Loving life with our Frenchie
Jax has a bump on his mouth area. I wasn't planning on taking him to the vet but I dropped him off at daycare and they kept him in the office because they noticed it and need to make sure it's not CPV, which I don't think it is, so I need a note from the vet.

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Wyatt had acne as a puppy because he put everything in his mouth. He still gets a pimple here and there but nothing like when he was little. I took coconut oil, melted it and would gently apply it to the area and they would go away.

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I took Jax to the vet on Monday to check the bump and it turns out it is a wart and it is contagious so he cannot go back to daycare until it is gone. Apparently it can take up to 3 months for it to go away. :(
Oscar is 26 weeks old and is getting pimples on his forehead. Is that common? Everything I'm reading mentions the muzzle area.
Oscar is 26 weeks old and is getting pimples on his forehead. Is that common? Everything I'm reading mentions the muzzle area.

Can you post a picture for us? If they are on his forehead it's not warts.

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