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Pooping overnight in crate


New member
Apr 26, 2016
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Hi. We have a new pup, 15 weeks old who came to us at 12 weeks. She's really getting the hang of training and toilet training, has a few accidents when we're not watching, and really is a darling. The main issue we have is she always messes in her crate when we leave her overnight. We feed her at 6ish, take her for a walk before bed, have changed to a much smaller crate so she doesn't have so much room, but she still messes in it during the night. She's in there from around 11-12pm to about 7 or 8am. She's on a grain free diet. Any advice would be great.
at 12 weeks of age, she can only her it for about 5 hours.... so you need to add a night time potty run for her 7 to 9 hours is too long for her to hold it

good guideline is 1 hour more than they are months old
We used an x-pen and put the crate inside the pen. We left the crate door open and had a pee pad in the corner. When there was no more pee or poo on the pads during the night for a couple of nights I knew it was time to close the door to the crate and get rid of the x-pen.
:hiii::welcome::peekaboo: Congrats on getting your puppy you have gotten fantastic advice, I live in an apt on the 3rd floor and got up twice in the night then once a night then finally being able to hold it thru the night. Feeding 3x a day if when he/she goes out the poop should be firm not soft or watery if this is the case they could be getting over fed. Have you looked into pet insurance ? This site has tremendous people with a wealth of information that want to help so glad that you and Gracie found the site hope we can help and see some pics of her and hear a few tales - best of luck be good for each other look forward to your next post
Thanks, we don't have a lot of room in the kitchen for a pen. Did wonder if it's just her age and ability of controlling herself. She tries to keep it off her blanket but doesn't always succeed. Will try a middle of the night trip or moving her crate somewhere we can add a small pen. Great advice. Love my Frenchie!
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