Potty time question


New member
Feb 11, 2016
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We've had Daisy for 2.5 days and so far, so good. The breeder told me that she knew how to use potty pads so I bought some. So far, she has used them every single time. She knows where they are and where to go. If she has to go, she does it on the potty pads, poop and pee.

We got her on Saturday and I had every intention of starting outdoor potty training right away but it was 8 degrees outside on Saturday and 10 on Sunday. I would take her out regularly but all she did was shiver violently. I had a little fleece coat on her but she was so cold. My husband told me to just forget the outdoor potty training until the weather was a little warmer and she wouldn't shake so bad.

Should we continue the use of potty pads or should I tell her to deal with the temps and just learn how to go outside? My plan was to put a bell by the door that she'll be using to go outside and train her to use a bell to let us know she has to go outside.

Also, if you have and suggestions on video or reading resources to help me with outdoor potty training, please post them...the help would be appreciated. It has been so long, I have to retrain myself!!
I would make her go outside during the day when you can, and use pee pads for at night and when you leave. Unless its absolutely freezing outside.... she has got to learn sometime. Plus, frenchies already naturally have a bit of a complex so I find when we baby them it doesn't work in our favour..... you don't want her to think she is the boss haha.

With potty training outside, find a command you will say. We say "go potty" and always take her to the same spot each time! :)
It was freezing here when we got baby Buster so we used the potty pads until it warmed up enough for him to go outside. He used the pads for about 4 weeks. We took them away when he started playing with them and shredding them. He had no problem transitioning to going outside. He has a big brother who showed him the ropes! Also, we have a pet door!
I would make her go outside during the day when you can, and use pee pads for at night and when you leave. Unless its absolutely freezing outside.... she has got to learn sometime. Plus, frenchies already naturally have a bit of a complex so I find when we baby them it doesn't work in our favour..... you don't want her to think she is the boss haha.

With potty training outside, find a command you will say. We say "go potty" and always take her to the same spot each time! :)
