Potty where ever...


New member
Apr 10, 2017
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Kevin is almost 5 months old and I take him out to potty all the time. He still has a lot of accidents in the house so when he goes outside I am happy. For a while he was good about peeing and pooping in the grass now he is peeing and even pooping on the concrete right in front of the door. I want him to do it outside but not there. I think he might be marking, even in the house but that doesn't explain the poop. I even carry him to the grass and he walks off to pee in front of the door UGH Any advise would be appreciated, I have never had a dog act like this. Thank you
5 months is still young. The key is consistency. And make sure you give lots of praise and even treats when he goes outside where you want him to go. You say you carry him to the grass and then he walks off. Is he on a leash? If not, my suggestion would be to take him outside and keep him on a leash. This way he can't walk off.
With both dogs we leashed them so they got in the habit of walking past the deck before they did their business. Good luck!!
Agree with the ladies -- ... leash and walk him till he goes... big praise and then walk back to door.
I have the same issues as the OP. Alice goes everywhere . I take her out to go wait and wait and she'll still go inside or at the door (outside). Help
Make sure you keep walking them after they use the potty too don't just poop and go in then they will get in the habit of holding it just to stay outside. Also no playing until they have done their business it's best to take them out on a leash ignore them while walking till they use the bathroom then reward and give lots of treats. Also make sure you have a quite place for them to go. My pup takes for ever to poop in the morning cause there are all the birds and other dogs. Best of luck to you

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You've had some good advice. Frenchies can be a challenge to train. Remember consistency is so important and try to get your pup on a potty schedule. Buster understands poop (at least I think he does) because sometimes I have to remind him that we are outside to poop!