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Puppy peeing inside...yes i know


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May 26, 2017
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Ok so we just got our little girl about 10 days ago. She is 11 weeks old and we just started crate training a couple days ago. So for about a week when she was without the crate she would have the occasional accident inside but wasnt too bad. Now with the crate ill take her out and take her right outside. She'll pee and poop like a good girl then well come back in and play for like 20 minutes and then as shes walking around shell just squat and pee again. I have a feeling that she is doing it on purpose because she doesn't really like being in the crate that much? I also changed her food a couple days ago as well dont know if that could have an effect. What do you guys think? I know she's young still but i just feel like she was better at it in the beginning than she is now :facepalm:
She is still very young, so I don't believe she is peeing out of spite. You have to be really diligent at her age. At any change in activity, when she wakes from a nap, when she calms after play, after she eats you need to take her out. There is a formula that I'm sure someone remembers that calculates, based on age, how frequently you should be taking her out. It's work, but totally worth it.

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As stated, she is still really young. It's good to take them out after a nap, maybe 20-30 minutes after they eat or drink and right after a play session. They seem to always have to pee after they play. I have a 15 week old bulldog and we take him out at least every hour, if not sooner. If he starts sniffing around, he goes out. Accidents still happen but that's too be expected. The key is to be consistent and be sure to give lots of praise and treats when she goes where you want her too. She will eventually get it but some do take longer than others.

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[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] is good with knowing the formula of how long they can hold it based on age.

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Guideline is... 1 hour more than months old... so, if 4 months old 5 hours is the limit.

But, as Cbrugs mentioned.. 15-20 mins after eating and immediately after waking and play sessions

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so after she just peed and weve been in for 20 min i gotta take her out again? jeez
so after she just peed and weve been in for 20 min i gotta take her out again? jeez

It's usually about every 20 minutes after they eat or drink. If you just took her out, I would take her out again in an hour. But if you notice her starting to sniff around before that, then take her out.

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No i didnt really want to start with the training pads so she doesnt get the idea that its okay to go inside. I just want to teach her to do it outside from the get go.
Whats your guys advice, when i catch her in the act what should i do? I usually make a startling noise and say no bad girl and i put her in her crate or take her outside. Is that the right thing to do? I mean she has already peed so does taking her outside at this point even do anything?
Whats your guys advice, when i catch her in the act what should i do? I usually make a startling noise and say no bad girl and i put her in her crate or take her outside. Is that the right thing to do? I mean she has already peed so does taking her outside at this point even do anything?

If you catch her in the middle of peeing, you can say no and grab her and take her out. I remember being told that you can stop them mid pee but you can't stop them from pooping.

I didn't use pee pads either other than at night cause I didn't want to get up during the night and I only used them for a couple of nights. Jax caught on probably around 5/6 months. But some do take longer.

But again, she's still young and accidents are going to happen. I'm still having accidents with my almost 4 month old bulldog.

Just keep being consistent with taking her out and giving big praise and treats when she does go outside.

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Agreed. The attention needs to be given when she does the right thing. Don't give attention to the bad behavior.

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Yea i do all that my question was what if i catch her as shes peeing and shes just finished, at this point taking her out would just give her an opportunity to play around because she doesnt need to pee anymore. I know there isnt an exact science about it i just want to do the best thing as to not confuse her and give her the wrong idea like if she pees inside that means we go outside to play or if i put her in the crate i dont want her to see the crate as punishment
Yea i do all that my question was what if i catch her as shes peeing and shes just finished, at this point taking her out would just give her an opportunity to play around because she doesnt need to pee anymore. I know there isnt an exact science about it i just want to do the best thing as to not confuse her and give her the wrong idea like if she pees inside that means we go outside to play or if i put her in the crate i dont want her to see the crate as punishment

If you catch her doing it, definitely tell her NO. If you don't catch her in the act, there is no point in telling no as she will have no idea why she is being told no.
If you catch her doing it, definitely tell her NO. If you don't catch her in the act, there is no point in telling no as she will have no idea why she is being told no.

^^^ agreed!

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I'm with your protocol mmclean. It's a lot of work at first but so worth it. Also I gotta say.........I currently have 3 frenchie puppies and I do not crate or cage my babies. I know it's the rage an all but my first was so miserable in the crate I decided not to do it and they are all happy as clams! I used to get up every few hours to let them out and I also have potty pads on the floor when they are inside. Frenchies are so smart, if you're diligent it will pay off.
Frustrating as it can be when they go potty where you don't want them to..........I never punish my dogs. You could clicker train her and when she does potty where you want her to click and treat or just give her lots of praise. They so want to please. She's a cutie pie!!!

- - - Updated - - -

As Linda Parelli a horse trainer would say "reward for every try"
This is normal. If you catch her take her out. And just get used to it. My pup is 4 months and still has accidents. Swear he does it more for the attention tho . Frenchies are super stubborn. Just stay consistent.

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At 11 weeks not peeing on the floor is up to you, not her. She can't hold it. If you notice she pees every 20 mins then thats how often you take her out. I have house broken more dogs than I would like to count, some easier than other but there are a couple simple tricks to move things along.
#1. it is up to you to keep them from peeing inside
#2. Outdoor is ONLY for peeing & pooping until they get it. No playing.
#3. You should taxi them to the same spot each time and set them down, allow them to sniff but no play if they start to play they don't have to go, you pick them up and taxi them back inside. I have found confining them to a small puppy pen fenced area works best. When they are done you taxi (carry) them back in and give plenty of praise. Put them down when they get back inside.
#4. Until YOU learn your dog I have always done 20 min intervals and you need to watch how much water they drank and if they ate. Playing makes them go more often. If they don't go at the 20 min mark you need to move it 5 or 10 minutes but it is up to you, not them when they are so young.
#5. Always use the same door to taxi them in and out.
If you do it right they actually go to the door and ask to go out.
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