Puppy Potty Training


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Oct 8, 2018
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I am about to be a Frenchie owner for the first time. My other dogs have always been giant breeds, so I am unsure about potty training this small little guy. The breeder is STRONGLY advocating pish pads and an indoor doggy potty, neither of which I used with my bullmastiffs. Any thoughts on this route versus the traditional method I have always used with my bigger dogs of just taking them out every hour to a specific potty spot in the yard?


May 12, 2018
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Welcome :)

I've not used the potty pads for any of my dogs, but I know others have with success. It sounds like you know the drill though, if you opt to go the traditional route. Take the pup out every hour to same spot, and reward with high value treat and/or tons of praise. As pup appears to "get it" you can gradually increase the amount of time between trips outside, but my Frenchie will be two in December and I still do not let her go more than 4 hours without a potty break.

Best of luck! Would love to see a photo of your whole smush face crew.


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Mar 19, 2018
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For my two previous dogs, I went directly to outdoor potty training. This time, however, I used the pads. Gracie had very thin hair when we picked her up in January at 9 weeks old. If I took her outside to potty she would just hunker down and shiver. She would not move or make any attempt to potty. Once Spring came along we started outdoor training in earnest. Once she got it, we just picked up the pads and haven't used them since. She still does have occasional accidents but I don't think that's related to the pads. She knows she's supposed to go outside because she tries to sneaks off when she goes inside so we won't see it. I think she sometimes just finds it more "convenient" to go indoors, especially when she's playing. Ah well -- a work in progress.


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Mar 19, 2018
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One P.S. We bought her several coats but even these would not prevent her from "freezing" in place. I'm happy to report she now has nice thick hair so outdoors she goes this winter.

Frenchie Grrrl

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Jun 25, 2017
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If you are home and have the time and patience to take the pup out consistently, then I would definitely do that. I'm not a fan of pads and would only use them if I didn't have another choice, or lived in an apartment, etc.


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Oct 13, 2018
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I never used pads and would take them outside at regular intervals. However, be warned, in my experience, Frenchies can be about the hardest dogs to potty train. One of my former two would not want to go outside if it was cold or raining. He really never got any better from 0-13 years old. I had to make sure to keep him out until he went, or he would just try to come home and go when I wasn't looking. My other one was great and potty trained pretty quickly just taking him outside regularly and would stand by the door if he had to go. Congratulations on your first Frenchie. All dogs are great and fun, but Frenchies are really special as you will see shortly.


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Oct 25, 2016
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Loki is the first dog we have used pads with for training.

He quickly learned to use them.

They worked well, and I'm embarrassed to admit that we still use them - outside - with a doggy door, to boot!

Sounds odd, but I prefer changing the pads over the smell of urine in the ground.

We used a product called Odormute in the past with previous dogs to counteract the odor.

Frenchie Grrrl

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Jun 25, 2017
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Loki is the first dog we have used pads with for training.

He quickly learned to use them.

They worked well, and I'm embarrassed to admit that we still use them - outside - with a doggy door, to boot!

Sounds odd, but I prefer changing the pads over the smell of urine in the ground.

We used a product called Odormute in the past with previous dogs to counteract the odor.

I don't notice an oder in the grass, but maybe if I had done this, I wouldn't have a dead patch at the bottom of my steps, in the middle of my otherwise green grass. :tongue: If I'm not out there monitoring, Gus is too lazy to walk two more feet to the mulch. SMH


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Oct 8, 2018
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Thanks so much - I think I'll go with what I know and hope our new little guy gets it!


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May 27, 2018
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I taught my 1st puppy Tyson within 2 days. My new puppy Odin learnt around the same time. Only time they potty outside the pads is when the pads were already pee'd/poo'd on, but to avoid that just keep clean fresh pads on the spot you've selected.

What I do is, whenever Tyson or Odin pee'd or poo'd, I'd grab the puppy and bring it close to the scene of crime and give him a "no!" with a slight heavy voice, then with some absorbent tissue I'd wipe it and let him smell the tissue, then carry him to the pads and wipe the pee or poo on the pad and let him smell it. After 2 or 3 times, he gets the message.

I had a particularly bad time with Tyson cos he arrived at my home pretty sick, with a month long Kennel Cough so it was impossible to take him outside, so I found this technique very effective and helped keep my house clean. Tyson would even go vomit on the pads, that's how well this worked cos he realized anything coming out of his body had to go on the pads (and he's very smart too). And he'd vomit at least once or twice a day due to the severe Kennel Cough.

Hopes this helps in case you haven't had success yet!