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Question for French Bulldog Purchase

Make sure to leash her, take her outside, tell her to go potty, and always walk her in the same area. When she goes tell her GOOD GIRL, make it a big deal that she was so good. Take her right back inside after she goes and you praise her. Some frenchies are just hard to potty train.

Also since she has an ear infection, has your vet mentioned anything about her hearing? My white frenchie is completely deaf. Maybe she's partially deaf, or the ear infection depending on the severity is causing hearing impairment? But other than that... Training frenchies can be really difficult. Stay consistent, and be patient :)

Thank you Jessica.

And what about when she did her toilet and see it like 5 minutes after? Should I say something or I bring her outside? Because most of the time, I bring her outside without saying anything and when we are outside I told her to do her toilet... but most of the time since she already did it in the house, she is not doing it again.. :P
Potty training is a difficult time, especially so with Frenchies since they are so very stubborn. I got my Bisou at 4 months old, and her previous owners didn't invest any time into training her. Instead, they left her in a crated area with a doggy door outside, so since she spent most of her time outside she learned she could just potty wherever she happened to be at the moment. It was a hard habit to break, but we would give her stern NO and take her outside if we caught her in the act and practically throw a party whenever she did her business outside. She hasn't had any accidents (that weren't totally our fault) since she was around 9 months old. It's extremely important that you put the time and patience needed into training her now, or it'll be even harder to break her of pottying inside when she's older! :)
Potty training is a difficult time, especially so with Frenchies since they are so very stubborn. I got my Bisou at 4 months old, and her previous owners didn't invest any time into training her. Instead, they left her in a crated area with a doggy door outside, so since she spent most of her time outside she learned she could just potty wherever she happened to be at the moment. It was a hard habit to break, but we would give her stern NO and take her outside if we caught her in the act and practically throw a party whenever she did her business outside. She hasn't had any accidents (that weren't totally our fault) since she was around 9 months old. It's extremely important that you put the time and patience needed into training her now, or it'll be even harder to break her of pottying inside when she's older! :)

Same exact story with Hudson. Things really clicked when we got him on a strict schedule and we're super consistent.

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Routine is very important for puppies. There's a ton of info on this forum on training to help you out. Good luck!
Potty training takes a lot of time, patience, and consistancy. Unless you catch her in the act, you can't punish her for it. If you see her going a firm "NO" then take her out to where you want her to go. Praise her well every time she goes potty outside. I'm not sure if you have a crate (I may have missed that part) but that is the easiest way to train in my opinion. Any time you can't be watching her, she is in the crate. That way she doesn't get used to going in the house. The more they get away with going in the house, the more they think it's ok. Just taking her out often, and not giving her the chance to go in the house will help her to get the idea.
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