So Daisy, almost 4 months, is doing amazing with crate training. I'm honestly floored!! She doesn't want to go into the crate on her own so we have to put her in but we've never made that a negative experience. We've officially had her with us a week and a day. She does not whine, wimper or bark when she is put in the crate. She just goes into her bed and lays down. She seems to get that being in her crate is sleep time and that is what she does. So for this first week, I've been taking her outside to go to the bathroom at around 8:30pm and she goes. Then we come in, do some last minute clean up around the house and then I put her in her crate around 9pm. She goes right to sleep. I set my alarm for 1am and take her outside to go to the bathroom. She always pees and sometimes poops. We come right back in and I put her back in her crate. She immediately goes back to sleep. I get up for the day at 4am and we go back outside and she goes to the bathroom. She is doing so good that I don't want to change this schedule but at what point to I experiment with her going longer? When I get up at 1am, she is asleep, so I am waking her to go to the bathroom. I'm also scared to push the 1am wake up any later because I am already getting her back up at 4am. Should I continue this schedule until she is say 6 months old (or later) and then test the waters or should I see how she'll do now?