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Red ears, belly, paws and chin? *pics included*

Sarah Murphy

New member
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hey all!

We just got our first French Bulldog last Tuesday evening, from a breeder here in Calgary (Western Canada). We are super excited to be new parents to our adorable boy, Stitch. Since we just got him, he has of course been exposed to many new things - new home, we have a cat (although they do not get too close for and lengthy period of time, he just got his second set of shots and was dewormed on Friday. He has had some diarrhea that we brought up with the vet on Friday and was told just to monitor it for the week. We have some taller grass and weeds in our back yard along our neighbor's fence due to their lack of yard care, which unfortunately is the home of many mosquitos. Stitch was out back with his dad running around in the grass yesterday and some pinkish hive-looking rash on his belly we thought were probably some mosquito bites and was just keeping a close eye on it. He was no scratching overly and we didn't see any other symptoms come with this. He was back outside today and his belly seemed to be much more red and as the day has progressed we have noticed some more redness - not so much rashes, but just red skin where is skin is more exposed, including inside his ears, between his paw pads and on his chin where he has a bit thinner hair. His ears do seem to be a bit warm, our house is currently 71 degress. He seems to be quite sleepy, however his dad seems to think it could be due to the run he went on. He doesn't seem to be irritated at all and is sleeping very soundly. Is this cause for immediate alarm? Does anyone have any advice on what this could be caused by as we are not 100% sure that it is due to bugs?


First picture there is to show the coloring of his ears a couple days ago. The rest are of the coloring now.

Any advice would be majorly appreciated!
Does his ears have a bad odor to them?

It looks like allergies to me. Probably environmental, but they could also be from his food. What do you feed him?
Looks like a grass allergy to me.... wipe him down afterr each outing with a cool wash cloth and you can give him Benedryl up to 3x days.... 1mg per pound of dog. My Englich Bulldog is allergic to all things green and this is what I have to do to keep her from breaking out in the rashes. It does help, but does not eliminate
Agreed it's probably from the grass. Benedryl will help and try to keep grass time limited. Could be also the virgin skin is not used to the grass and will outgrow it.

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I agree with the others, could be allergic to the grass, so just wipe him down with a wet cloth when he comes in. He may out grow this. Plus when they get hot, as in playing or just coming in from a walk, their ears will get red, this is normal. Congrats on your new baby, as he is just a handsome little guy.
Congrats !!! He's sooooo cute!!! Try not to worry to much. As a new owner you will have lots of questions. This board is an excellent resource but always be sure to check anything serious out with your vet.

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Hi Sarah - I think you will find this forum a really good place to get advice for your questions. I would agree with everyone else re: allergies. He probably has had more recent exposure to green things and is having a bit of reaction to them. Wiping down with baby wipes or a towel will help. And he has been exposed to Lots of new things.... the runs could be attributed to general stress over that. Are you feeding the same food as the breeder was?

Love the name and he is very cute! Can't wait to see more pics!!!

Anne, Gidget, Olivia & Wilson in VA.