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Reverse sneezing?


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May 9, 2014
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So Hudson has started doing a new thing, and after some googling I have discovered that it is commonly known as reverse sneezing.

The poor guy looks so uncomfortable when it's happening, and I try to just kind of pat his back until it passes and gently reassure him. It typically occurs when he is just sitting around, so I'm not sure what the trigger is.

Is there anything I can do to make these fits less frequent or more comfortable for him?

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Nothing really to do, but i sometimes covers his nostrils to help stop it... Sometimes it helps

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Nothing that I know of will stop it; it is scary to hear them do that!
My Ollie does it too...in fact all my dogs do it. From what I have read it's triggered by things in the air. Most of the time it's the airwick plug ins that will set my boys off. Could be perfumes, or things that are sprayed in the air. Some dogs are just prone to it as well. Things that help during the attack is to cover the nostrils and make them breath through the mouth. Also I rub the throat. It's a restriction of the airways in the nose that cause the problem I think. Anyway. I cover Ollie's nose when it happens He doesen't like it, but it helps break the cycle.
My Ollie does it too...in fact all my dogs do it. From what I have read it's triggered by things in the air. Most of the time it's the airwick plug ins that will set my boys off. Could be perfumes, or things that are sprayed in the air. Some dogs are just prone to it as well. Things that help during the attack is to cover the nostrils and make them breath through the mouth. Also I rub the throat. It's a restriction of the airways in the nose that cause the problem I think. Anyway. I cover Ollie's nose when it happens He doesen't like it, but it helps break the cycle.

Hmm we don't have any plugins in our home, but maybe it's the AC that bothers him. It bothers me too after never having it until I was 18.

Thank you for the advice!! It sounds like there a few little things I can do. It just breaks my heart to see him struggling :(

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Winston had a reverse sneeze episode about 4 weeks ago. I had no idea what it was I totally paniced :( :( I thought he was dying!!!!! I'll be honest Mike had to soothe and sort him out I totally could not cope with it, which is strange for me with 5 kids I don't usually panic. Now I know what it is having watched You tube clips I'm pretty confident I can help him next time !
Winston had a reverse sneeze episode about 4 weeks ago. I had no idea what it was I totally paniced :( :( I thought he was dying!!!!! I'll be honest Mike had to soothe and sort him out I totally could not cope with it, which is strange for me with 5 kids I don't usually panic. Now I know what it is having watched You tube clips I'm pretty confident I can help him next time !

Same here! I freaked. Luckily now I know and he's pretty good about staying calm and sitting still until the episode passes.

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Lucy our English and Missy our Beagle used to do this, and I would cover both nares with my fingers and it would stop it. It forces them to breath through their mouth and will stop the episode.
Lucy our English and Missy our Beagle used to do this, and I would cover both nares with my fingers and it would stop it. It forces them to breath through their mouth and will stop the episode.

Hmmm, interesting. Leo has these episodes often enough. I might try it next time. I don't recall Molly having these episodes yet.

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Lucy our English and Missy our Beagle used to do this, and I would cover both nares with my fingers and it would stop it. It forces them to breath through their mouth and will stop the episode.

That is exactly what I do too....works everytime. :)
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