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Right time to neuter?


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Aug 7, 2014
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Enzo is 5 and a half months old. He is constantly humping and harassing our female pug! He will try to mount her and bite her neck and back to hold on. Our pug now hides under the China cabinet where he cannot fit all day to get away. She used to harrass him as well but all stopped once she got spayed. Our vet wants to neuter him now since he's showing territorial signs with our other dog and he even marks his territory only in her bed and belongings like her crate even though he urinates 99% in the pee pad or outside. I have no problem neutering him because he is almost 20 lbs but I've read frenchies should wait until a year old to be neutered because of something with their knees and hips. He is so sweet to us and does not hump or even nibble at us ever but just constantly harasses or pug with humping, growling, and biting hard. What should I do? Thanks!

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I don't think you're too terribly early. Our Benny was something like 6 to 6 and a half mo. When he was neutered. I've never heard of having to wait a whole year.

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Not every dog stops humping after they get fixed so you might want to correct the problem before he's neutered. Wally was never a humper so I don't have any direct experience with it but I would put him on his side every time to he tries to hump your pug and then distract/redirect with a favorite toy. He may need time outs as well. There are many tips online about humping.

Wally was a year old before we got him fixed. He's a big boy with a massive head so I wanted his joints & muscles to be strong. But I don't think it's necessary to wait that long for all Frenchies, it's only what we decided to do.

Good luck!!
There are a lot of different opinions as to when neutering/spaying should occur but Jax was neutered at around 6 - 6 1/2 months. He was quite the humper and especially loved to mount my arms. Ever since he got neutered, the humping has pretty much stopped. Every now and then he will hump but it is very rare.
When you spay or neuter a dog you remove the whole sex organ, that not only produces sexual hormones but also hormones that are essential for building cartilage and helps build growth plates. Growth plates are in between all joints so if they arent fully developed when you neuter and take away the hormones these growth plates will stay incomplete. Later on this is very likely going to cause some joint/movement issues.
For females its recommended to wait 4 heats and then tie the tubes ,not remove anything.
For males its recommended to wait 16-18 months.
I think this is a discussion you and your vet should have. If he/she is familiar with the breed, then I would trust their recommendation. I had Jake neutered at 7 mos. He was humping everything and leaking a bit from his boy part! Once he was fixed it stopped. He does mount his sister sometimes during times of play/dominance.
Our Frenchie vet asked us to wait until 14 months, behavior allowing. Hudson doesn't hump or have behavioral issues, so he hasn't been neutered yet. However if the behavior was that bad I'd probably want to do it sooner. The Frenchie who lives next door to us was neutered at 6 months and he seems fine, don't think his build would've been any better with/without (he doesn't get around very well).

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I really want him to have that big head and muscular body shape so I do not want to neuter too early if it will effect that. And also health reasons too with his plates and joints.

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Humping is a dominant behavioral problem displayed by males and females alike and needs addressed as neutering does not correct this. For the body to fully form it is best to wait until they are 12-18 months to avoid bone problems, arthritis, certain kinds of cancers and to finish filling out per many university studies done here and overseas but in the end it is up to you and your vet.
I would wait until he gets a little closer to a year old before neutering. that may not stop the humping. You need to get on him every time he tries it. Tell him NO and make him get off.
I think I will wait until 12 months old. He is 5 months and 19 lbs and I think he has a lot of potential to reach 30-35 lbs because his dad had a big head and was very muscular so I want him to have the best potential to look like dad and also keep him healthy. Thanks for helping me base my decision!

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