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Save the grass!


New member
Apr 6, 2017
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With spring time here we are getting beautiful yellow spots on our yard. Does anyone know anything to help the grass. We are trying dog rocks but I'm not seeing huge success. We tried a pheromone post to keep her going in one spot but had no luck with that and she refuses to go number 1 or 2 on her walks. Any suggestions?
I used to fill up empty gallons of water bottles with water and kept them outside and then every time Jax would pee, I would pour some water over the area to flush it out.

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Yip, same here. I just keep the hose handy and give it a quick rinse off when he's done. Keeps the grass looking ok.
agree --- after they pee,,, rinse it with water
Supposedly if they are on a raw or dehydrated raw diet the pee doesn't burn the grass. I haven't verified this :)
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