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shedding like crazy!


New member
Nov 13, 2013
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I am in need of advice concerning Nacho's shedding. Nacho is a little over a year and he is a white and black brindle. Over the last month or so I have noticed a significant increase in his shedding. I know that Frenchies shed a moderate amount but this is way worse. Every time I pet him I get a hand full of hair. It started as the real soft undercoat but now it is the coarse hair as well. Is this normal or could this be an allergy developing? I have also noticed that more black spots are starting to appear (which is adorable!). Could the shedding somehow be a result of that or is it unrelated? Thanks in advance for the advice! I just am trying to figure out if this is normal, just a phase, or is worth a trip to the vet.
Jax was recently shedding like crazy and was looking all ragged. Now his coat is looking good again. I read that dogs usually shed their coats twice a year so it could just be that. Do you give salmon oil or coconut oil? Both are supposed to be good for skin/coats.
I've never given salmon or coconut oil but it's worth a try! Do you put it on their food?
I use coconut oil twice a week , one teaspoon.
Here is a good article about the benefits of coconut oil : http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/the-health-benefits-of-coconut-oil/

I dont use fish oil because Maple gets fed grass fed raw meat and her Omega 3/6 are in balance. I also dont want to risk the exposure to mercury etc. that MAY be present in the fish oil.
Here is a goos article about fish oil :

Good information! Thank you. I hadn't thought about the possibility of mercury in the fish oil..... there I go thinking (or not) again! Haha. Mine were given salmon, olive or coconut oil when they were with the breeder. I haven't given them any and had not thought of it until I read this.

About the shedding, both Molly & Leo were shedding LIKE BANSHEES over the June/July months. But that has significantly died off and they are not shedding now. I think it was just a case of them shedding their summer coat (or whatever). They both have beautiful shiny coats now with no issues to be seen. :) (knock on wood).
It's a little early, but he is just blowing his coat, they do it twice a year, usually fall and spring.
when you say black spots, do you mean color of the fur? What food are you feeding

as others stated, he is probably blowing his coat!