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Size, weight and food new puppy.


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Feb 26, 2017
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Hello all,

I just wanted to introduce myself and ask a question. I am a long time dog owner with my very first French Bulldog. I have had mostly large breed dogs through my life which is why i wanted to ask a question regarding my three month old male.

At this age he is 4.5kg ( 10lbs). The vet had mentioned he look small for his age but not under weight. He eats a little less than a 1/2 cup of food 2 to 3 times a day, in my mind based on my history with large dogs, this food amount seems inadequate. He eats Acana dry food, mixed with 1 small spoon of wet to try and get him to eat more.

His energy level seems good and frequently goes to washroom.

His weight and lack of enthusiasm for food has me concerned.

Will share some photos soon.

Any advice?

Thanks B
His weight and amount of kibble sounds fine to me but I'm no expert. If you want to entice him to eat and put some weight on him add some cottage cheese or Greek yogurt to some of his meals
It sounds like he is getting enough to eat, he just isn't food driven like so many dogs are. They all grow at different rates but seem to catch up with each other between 1 & 2 years old! Our Buster is not food driven at all; when we are away from home with him he has to be hand fed to get him to eat. Same thing when he is at the doggie hotel. Our 10 year old English Bulldog would eat all day if he had access to food!
Little stinker... they can be very picky eaters --- right @rico @joeturbo

Try a little cottage cheese as suggested or a small amount of pure pumpkin
Little stinker... they can be very picky eaters --- right @rico @joeturbo

Try a little cottage cheese as suggested or a small amount of pure pumpkin

Thanks everyone for their comments.

I am also wondering about allergies as I have read that the breed can be quite susceptible. He is getting a chicken puppy food now. Would disinterest in food be a sign? He seems to scratch a bite his paws, but hard to tell if it's not just the normal.
He sounds normal to me, weight wise and food intake. Some are allergic to chicken, so that could be his problem. Only way to find out is change the protein to something without chicken. Plus the seasonal allergies are cranking up now, so that could also be his problem.
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