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Sleeping too much?


Staff member
Aug 19, 2013
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There were a few days last week where Jax did more sleeping than usual and then towards the end of the week he was back to his normal feisty and spunky self but yesterday and today he is back to sleeping all day. Is this normal or should I be concerned? He is eating and drinking as usual.
Did you do anything special the day prior? Radar will sleep a ton if he visits my aunt and her dogs. It can take him a couple of days to recover after his play filled visits.

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He will usually sleep for a couple days after he goes to daycare but it's been over a week since he last went. I just talked to my BF and he said he is acting normal now, running around. I always get so worried!
Could just be seasonal allergies making him sleepy.
I was going to say the change of weather or allergies..... happens to my English Bulldog a lot
I was going to say the change of weather or allergies..... happens to my English Bulldog a lot

He seems sad and just wants to sleep, sleep, sleep. He will get a spurt of energy but it's short lived. I was wondering if the season changing could be a part of it. He was like this for a few days last week too and then went back to normal and now it's back. At what point, if any, should I become concerned? I want my Jax back!
He seems sad and just wants to sleep, sleep, sleep. He will get a spurt of energy but it's short lived. I was wondering if the season changing could be a part of it. He was like this for a few days last week too and then went back to normal and now it's back. At what point, if any, should I become concerned? I want my Jax back!

If there is a change in eating or he become lethargic.... I know with Banks. she is normal (eating, poo, pee) but just wants to sleep during season changes (winter to spring and summer to fall)
Could Jax be bored or depressed? Does he perk right up when you take him somewhere or do something fun with him?
Could Jax be bored or depressed? Does he perk right up when you take him somewhere or do something fun with him?
He's definitely acting like he's depressed. Normally when I come home from work he runs up to me all excited and jumps all over me but he hasn't done that these last couple of days. I did call the vet today and they said it could be the Temaril P he has been on, it's an antihistamine/steroid. Thankfully today was his last day taking it as the Aooquel is back in stock. If he doesn't snap out of it within the next few days, I'm calling the vet back. He's eating, drinking and going to the bathroom normally.
It sure sounds like he is depressed! I bet he'll get back to normal when he's off the meds!
I came home and Jax is back! He was all doped up on anti-histamines. I'm so happy and he is too.
I'm glad he is feeling better. I'm also glad his Apoquel is back in stock. That stuff is like a miracle drug for some.
Glad to hear he is better. Wilson was doped in those pumpkin pics I took - he actually had his head resting on a pumpkin in one of them! He was back on some pain med b/c he was limping behind and then the next day 3 legged lame in front. He might have to go back on the antibiotics for the tick-borne diagnosis he got recently. For whatever reason, our vet said that is one of the signs, lameness that moves around.
Glad to hear he is better. Wilson was doped in those pumpkin pics I took - he actually had his head resting on a pumpkin in one of them! He was back on some pain med b/c he was limping behind and then the next day 3 legged lame in front. He might have to go back on the antibiotics for the tick-borne diagnosis he got recently. For whatever reason, our vet said that is one of the signs, lameness that moves around.

Poor Wilson! I did not like Jax being all doped up, he just wasn't himself at all.
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