Spay + Inguinal hernia 16 weeks

Gabrielle Danielle

New member
Mar 2, 2017
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Ok going to try to keep this short and sweet. i have a 16 week old frenchie, mavis. The doctors found an inguinal hernia and want to spay her at the same time. I planned on waiting to spay her once she had her first heat and wait till around 12-15 months. Clearly this is now changing. I don't want to put her under anestesia twice but her hernia can not wait. I'm worried about her growth. She's my baby and I am torn but I can't see her in discomfort. She's a trooper but it's obvious she doesn't feel herself. What is the general consensus as to what is best for her. The surgeons at our VCA hospital are pushing for her to go through both procedures at once. I understand but am nervous about her future growth. Any one have any opinions on this ? Thanks in advance !
They want to spay her at 16 weeks? I don't have a female but I would think that the earliest you should spay would be at 6 months. I understand wanting to do both procedures at the same time but I definitely wouldn't spay her at that young of an age. Can the hernia surgery wait to be done until she is older? Have you gotten a 2nd opinion?
If she is uncomfortable and needs the hernia surgery, I would go ahead and do it if you feel comfortable with the vet she is seeing. I would wait to spay her as you planned. If she is healthy and you have a good vet that is familiar with brachy breed dogs for the anasthesia protocol then she should be fine.
Optimal spaying is sometime between 6 months and first heat, so I'd ask the vet if the inguinal hernia can safely wait until 6 months and if so, do it then. Maybe the vet can show you how to push the hernia in on a daily basis , and then if it can't be pushed in during the next couple months, then you need to rush the dog that day for the hernia surgery.
Why are the pushing for the spay? is there an issue if it is not done in relation to the hernia? if not, wait till she is older
I personally would wait to spay her, as long as you have a good bully vet, one who understands the breed and anesthesia, she should be fine with two separate surgeries.

Thought I should update what has taken place since March with Mavis. I decided to get a second opinion and see a specialist. He felt it was no rush to operate on her inguinal hernias at the moment. It was only fatty tissue. As she has gotten older they are barley noticeable. We thought it was more important to asses her soft palate then worry about fixing her. So she is 8 months now and we are going next week to revisit the surgeon. If she's still ok I'm going to try to hold off until she goes through her first heat. Thank you to everyone for responding. I was a very nervous mom.
That's great news that you got a second opinion! So great her hernia isn't that serious. I would have waited to spay as well.
Good news to hear!