Tips for introducing a new puppy who had no litter mates


Aug 20, 2013
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Interesting question. How do you introduce a new puppy who had no litter mates?
Does this mean what I think it means????? Cooper/Elliott is coming home????
If it is a puppy.. 3 months or less, it should not be too much of an issue, but if it is your home, I would intro one dog at a time so it is not too overwhelming
[MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION] [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] Random question. Yeah, totally random.
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Interesting question. How do you introduce a new puppy who had no litter mates?

Titan had no littermates.

He was sick so we had a forced slow introduction.

Our dogs are crazy lol but I think introducing them multiple times slowly over about 5 months worked well.
We always introduce a new pup or adult to the others in the back yard or better yet on neutral ground. Once that goes well, then we go inside and just watch them. If they get to playing too rough or if I see something in the behavior I don't like we give a time out. I singleton has only learned from their mama and hopefully maybe others around too, but they don't get to learn how to bite properly without litter mates, but the adults will teach them and put them in their place when needed. We raised a singleton a long time ago and he grew up fine.
We had Uma meet Wally in a school yard (neutral ground) before bringing him home. Uma's a very sweet dog though so she might have been OK with Wally coming right into our house.