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Training and Behavioral Problems -Need Help


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Jan 19, 2014
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So I need some seriously help I've left it for 2 years and now its becoming a huge issue

Here is a list of a few

My Dog doesn't go potty on command, i usually have to stand out side for 10-30 min plus each time.

He pulls when I walk him.

He chase after people and dogs when he see them "Some one looking at suing me right now for this one which is great"

Any help or advice would be great thank you very much
Have you worked with a professional trainer? Sounds like you are having various problems. I think a trainer would be the way to go.
They seldome go potty on command, but will go when they need to on a walk. When he pulls, make him stop, and sit, then continue your walk, if he pulls again, do it again and keep doing this until he gets the message. Chasing after people and other dogs is hard to break, but do the same thing as when he pulls. Tell him NO, and make him sit and stay , them continue the walk. Never walk him off leash. I hope this helps.
Mine goes potty on command. We started it when he was a puppy so he's never known any different but I would assume you could start now and really work at it and he'd get it eventually. Every time we went outside we would repeat "go potty" and as soon as he peed we practically threw him a party. He would get really excited and then associated potty-ing on command with rewards and making us happy. It makes our lives much easier. I think consistency is key on this one. Same phrase every time and act really pleased or give a treat until he understands what you want.

As for the pulling, I agree with [MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION]. Every time he does it make him sit. No forward motion or progress (no rewards) until he is a gentleman and can behave.

As for your third issue, at this point he should never be off leash outside of your private controlled environment (like your backyard). You can start working with him on a 30 ft leash so he thinks he is free but as soon as he steps out of line you regain control. If he likes toys you can take a squeaky toy and keep his attention with that or if he is food driven then treats.

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Mine goes potty on command. We started it when he was a puppy so he's never known any different but I would assume you could start now and really work at it and he'd get it eventually. Every time we went outside we would repeat "go potty" and as soon as he peed we practically threw him a party. He would get really excited and then associated potty-ing on command with rewards and making us happy. It makes our lives much easier. I think consistency is key on this one. Same phrase every time and act really pleased or give a treat until he understands what you want.

As for the pulling, I agree with [MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION]. Every time he does it make him sit. No forward motion or progress (no rewards) until he is a gentleman and can behave.

As for your third issue, at this point he should never be off leash outside of your private controlled environment (like your backyard). You can start working with him on a 30 ft leash so he thinks he is free but as soon as he steps out of line you regain control. If he likes toys you can take a squeaky toy and keep his attention with that or if he is food driven then treats.

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Chance will go on command Hurry Hurry is what I used trained him from puppy hood, show patience if they do not go with in 5 minutes take them back inside wait then try it again. Praise and treat immediately after going - hope it helps - good luck
You have received excellent advice from everyone - hope it works for you
Mine doesn't go to potty on command, but does his business when outside.

For pulling, the key is to stop forward motion when he pulls. I tried the technic to make him sit and then continue, but it did not give us good results.
Then I tired the following; stop when he pulls and ignore him, don't look at him or make any fuss. Just look elsewhere and wait for him to get calm and relaxed. Then continue walking. This needs a lot of patience though...like stopping every second step :)

We still occasionally have pulling issues, but then it is just to repeat this as a reminder.

For chasing, he needs to be leashed at all times, if there is a chance of him sprinting off. We practised this a lot by going to town and walking among other people and dogs and I corrected him each time he showed too much interest. We also took training sessions in a fenced area with other dogs. They were not allowed to play, just to zig-zag each others
This exercise is also easy to arrange if you have friends with dogs.
I still never let Moses off leash when the area is not fenced, since he is not reliable on call back command...
Suing you?! I can't imagine someone suing over a frenchie! That sounds awful...... I would definitely recommend some training/behavioural classes for the two of you to join together! Could be really beneficial.

My dog goes potty on command, it is possible, same as others are saying above, consistency with the command you are giving...take him out to the same spot each time

Hopefully everything starts to improve so you can both be happy :)
Mine will go potty on command, but Stella will pull on her leash if she sees a bird, etc. I have found that what works with her is redirecting her attention with her favorite little squeaky ball. If I see something that I know is going to set her off, I will squeak the ball and she will immediately focus on me. If your Frenchie is food motivated then I would try to redirect with a treat and give a command (sit, stay, down, etc) so that he is focused on you and doing what you want. If he is not trained in these commands then I would recommend some basic obedience training. It will help him to look to you as a leader instead of trying to "protect" you on your walk from all those bad people and dogs out there:) I am not a big proponent of using a no command as I find it too vague. Training is a lot of work, but so worth it. Good luck! I hope the lawsuit threat fades away.
Yeah the lawsuit was dropped after a couple visits to the police station and the vets to determine if he is a danger to people. thanks everyone on the good advice im slowly putting it into practice its a lengthy process but I but to receive some positive result.
That's good news about the lawsuit. What a hassle. Good luck on the training.
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