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Unilateral deafness - anyone have experience?


Aug 20, 2013
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Hi all,

My husband and I have pretty much come to the realization that Wilson is deaf in one ear. :cry: Mike did a very scientific evaluation (kidding here) of snapping his finger while he was sleeping beside an ear. One he had absolutely no reaction to and he repeated it twice. The other he jumped right up when Mike snapped. I have also noticed that when he does hear something he doesn't seem to know where it's coming from. I feel like I am Tom Hanks in Castaway trying to get his attention....

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this and would recommend a vibrating collar over sign language, both, etc.

i would have the vet evaluate him, could be something you can correct. if not, and you feel the need to a vibrating collar can help. I know someone that taught a deaf Pitbull sign language and it was great
I agree with [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] have a vet check him, and I would use sign language too.
Oh, Wilson, poor guy can't catch a break! Yes, get him tested by a vet. and hopefully it can be corrected.
The good news is that there are tons of training aids available now that help you learn how to train your deaf pup by hand signals. :)
Hi everyone. Mike and I took Wilson to the vet Saturday. Good news is that he doesn't have anything going on with the ear, such as an infection. That was all that we really wanted to confirm. We have thought for some time that he wasn't hearing well - I'll be reading up on the sign language.
Hi everyone. Mike and I took Wilson to the vet Saturday. Good news is that he doesn't have anything going on with the ear, such as an infection. That was all that we really wanted to confirm. We have thought for some time that he wasn't hearing well - I'll be reading up on the sign language.

be sure to keep us posted on how he is doing.... hope he is just being a stubborn bully!
Hi everyone. Mike and I took Wilson to the vet Saturday. Good news is that he doesn't have anything going on with the ear, such as an infection. That was all that we really wanted to confirm. We have thought for some time that he wasn't hearing well - I'll be reading up on the sign language.

Did the vet say anything about possible deafness?

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[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] - will do
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] - there was not a definitive test that they could do there... I suppose we could be referred to VT again, but honestly... would they be able to correct it? When we went in we said we thought he could not hear in one ear and that we just wanted them to examine his ears and see if there was any infection or anything down in the ear that could be causing it. With all of his other problems that he's had - which thankfully he has seemed to grow out of (and I am TOTALLY convinced they were due to his being the runt!) I am not shocked by this. I think it's just something we will have to educate ourselves about and learn how to manage. And guess what he weighed! 13.2 lbs!!!!!!!
[MENTION=193]winginit66[/MENTION] - Little Wilson, he's such a cutie!! I'm glad there was no infection or anything like that. Also, glad to hear he has grown out of his other issues. I just love him and I don't even know him! :yes: He's such a doll! How old is he now? I knew he would get his weight up with you taking care of him! He sounds like he is doing absolutely spectacular!!