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Wally is cheering on his team!

Squishy Walnuts

New member
Sep 19, 2014
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NHL playoffs have begun! Yes, I'm that much of a typical Canadian. :D Wally & I are cheering on the Habs!! Tie game!

Chelios is torn on which to cheer for.... Wings or Blackhawks (the b/f is a Haws fan, I am a Flyers fan, but Chris Chelios played for Wings/Hawks) , so he just decided to wrestle with Lambeau :D
He should cheer for the Habs. He played with them too. :yes: The dogs slept through most of the game, until I woke them up with all my yelling. :D
My husband is a Leafs fan. He hates hockey right now. haha!
He looks like he is all into the game. :)
It looks like Wally is really focused on that hockey match! Cute picture!
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