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Frappe is about 6 months old and 10lbs, she is really small! She was the runt of the litter, do you think she will get a normal size or stay a pint sized Frenchie? I checked the puppybweights chart and it says she will be a little less than 11 lbs.

My Tallulah was the runt of the litter & always small. At 6 months we was about the size of your pup. She is 3 now and still much smaller than other frenchies and about 18 lbs. here is a pic of her with my other Frenchie who is 24 pounds & also on the small side, but you can see what a little nugget she is!
hi There,
I know your post is several years old but i was wondering on an update to your frenchies weight? i just got one last week and he looks identical to yours on the picture. mine weighed in at 3.9 pounds last week at the vet and he was 9 weeks old and now after seeing all these chubby frenchies I worry about mine and with people constantly asking me if hes a chihuahua i guess i just need reassurance he will get chubby too at some point. thank you for your time. :)
My guy had a checkup as a ten week old last week. He weighed just at three pounds. Super tiny, but super cute.
My Gunnar has been putting on about 4 pounds between vet visits. He is 5 months old and weighs 18.6 pounds. He is not fat in the least, just going to be a bruiser lol.

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I wouldn’t put to much trust in that puppyweights site. On most of the charts that I have looked at, my puppy is right where he should be growth wise, but that site has him weighing 41 lbs as an adult - we are expecting him to be about 110 to 120 lbs.
I would say while they are growing makes sure they are getting plenty of good fat and keep the weight a little heavier.
This will make sure they grow well and a buffer for any problems with digestion.
Once they get to "Adult", say 1 year, cut back to make sure they keep a good figure.
Too heavy and they have more fold problems, snoring and breathing.
Plus nothing happier than an eating dog, especially when they are hungry.
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