I'm feeling frustrated. Gypsy is 7 months now and still having accidents every day in the house. She goes outside frequently enough but it's like she doesn't even care. I yell at her if I catch her in the act but a lot of times I see the puddle after the fact. I was hoping one day it would just click for her but I don't think she's getting that she can't potty inside.
Suggestions? Experiences?
Gus was super consistent with using his bells to ask to go outside by 16 wks (we got him at 7 wks). At that point, we expanded his area, and gave him run of most of the main floor, if someone was there (if we were upstairs or away, we would crate him). He started having accidents (poop only, for some reason) in our foyer, so I blocked that area off and started giving him extra yummy treats for going outside, to make it worth his while to ask to go out. He hasn't had an accident since.
I think the more you tell us about exactly what you are doing, and what your set up is, the easier it is to give suggestions.
Do you have your own yard?
If so, is it fenced?
Does Gypsy ever request to go out? If so, how? (bells, barking at door, etc)
How often do you take her out?
Are you giving praise and treats when she goes potty outside?
How large of an area does she have in your house?
Do you let her have the run of that area when you can't directly supervise?
[MENTION=2742]LittleMonsters[/MENTION] I don't know how people in apartments do it, lol. I think I would totally get one of those disposable real grass boxes for my balcony if I wasn't on the first floor. I guess I'm spoiled or lazy. I can't imagine the amount of time and work it would take to house train a pup.