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What age should they generally be potty trained by?


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Dec 29, 2016
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I'm feeling frustrated. Gypsy is 7 months now and still having accidents every day in the house. She goes outside frequently enough but it's like she doesn't even care. I yell at her if I catch her in the act but a lot of times I see the puddle after the fact. I was hoping one day it would just click for her but I don't think she's getting that she can't potty inside.

Suggestions? Experiences?
From her point of view, is there an added bonus to going outside, apart from the whole yelling thing when she goes inside?

Potty training is about perks.

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Took me two full years with Cheli.. longest ever for us. Our bulldogs were all quick trains.. Cheli was just on his own terms

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We got Jax when he was 10 weeks old and he was potty trained within 3 months from that. I think it can differ with each dog. The key is to be consistent.

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My boy schmulli is 3 months old now and he still has accidents. Just stay patient don't yell at them. Give them treats and love when you take them out and they use the bathroom. Yelling at the dog can just make them nervous to pee in front of you which could be part of the problem. Usually with my pup the o my time he has an accident is when I'm not giving him attention. So take your time love is the answer and use the crate it will help more then you know best of luck

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Kevin is my first frenchie and he is challenging to potty train. He is almost 5 months old and will go out side to potty then walk in the house and go...I am hoping that he will catch on soon
My Ripley is 4 months old and still has accidents in the house regularly (once a day usually in the afternoon or evening, always our fault for not taking her out), even though she definitely knows that outside is where she should potty. She'll sometimes go sit by the door and whimper so we take her out right away, but other times we've literally just taken her out an hour earlier and she'll pee right there in front of us. It can be frustrating but when she does pee in the house, we just ignore it, and clean it up right away without talking to her or looking at her, and try again. Lots of treats and praise every time she pees outside, and trying our best to learn her patterns so that we can be pre-emptive. But I hear you, it can be frustrating, especially living in an 3rd floor apartment which means that every time we have to do a potty break we have to gather the keys, leash, bags, treats, put on shoes, go down stairs and walk down the street to the little garden area, and of course there's always another dog or a little kid or a neighbor or a stick or a rock or a bird that the puppy HAS to say hello to, so we spend 15 minutes outside, only to do the whole routine again in an hour or so. I'll admit that there have been a few times where I thought "hmmm maybe she has to pee" but I ignored it because I had JUST taken her out and was really hoping that she didn't have to go again, and every. single. time. she then had an accident in the house. So no one to blame but myself and my laziness there :-P
I'm feeling frustrated. Gypsy is 7 months now and still having accidents every day in the house. She goes outside frequently enough but it's like she doesn't even care. I yell at her if I catch her in the act but a lot of times I see the puddle after the fact. I was hoping one day it would just click for her but I don't think she's getting that she can't potty inside.

Suggestions? Experiences?

Gus was super consistent with using his bells to ask to go outside by 16 wks (we got him at 7 wks). At that point, we expanded his area, and gave him run of most of the main floor, if someone was there (if we were upstairs or away, we would crate him). He started having accidents (poop only, for some reason) in our foyer, so I blocked that area off and started giving him extra yummy treats for going outside, to make it worth his while to ask to go out. He hasn't had an accident since.

I think the more you tell us about exactly what you are doing, and what your set up is, the easier it is to give suggestions.

Do you have your own yard?
If so, is it fenced?
Does Gypsy ever request to go out? If so, how? (bells, barking at door, etc)
How often do you take her out?
Are you giving praise and treats when she goes potty outside?
How large of an area does she have in your house?
Do you let her have the run of that area when you can't directly supervise?

[MENTION=2742]LittleMonsters[/MENTION] I don't know how people in apartments do it, lol. I think I would totally get one of those disposable real grass boxes for my balcony if I wasn't on the first floor. I guess I'm spoiled or lazy. I can't imagine the amount of time and work it would take to house train a pup.
I'm sure you are doing a great job cleaning up after Gypsy but are you cleaning the area with a spray or cleaner that is specific to cleaning dog pee? Even when you feel like you've cleaned it up, if you don't wipe out the odor completely, the dog will still smell the pee and think she should go there. We used Windex with vinegar to wipe the area. Apparently, vinegar takes away the scene completely.
[MENTION=2742]LittleMonsters[/MENTION] I don't know how people in apartments do it, lol. I think I would totally get one of those disposable real grass boxes for my balcony if I wasn't on the first floor. I guess I'm spoiled or lazy. I can't imagine the amount of time and work it would take to house train a pup.

It is not easy! We are definitely lazy sometimes and we almost always get a pee puddle in the house when we are. Ripley still pees almost once every 1-2 hours in the evening, because she's of course more active and that's meal time too. But we're doing our best without beating ourselves up for the mistakes, and seeing small steps forward. For example, in the morning until maybe a week or so ago, as soon as I woke up (like, the second my eyelids opened, usually because puppy was licking my entire face) I'd have to hold her in one hand and get dressed with the other to take her out asap otherwise as soon as her feet hit the ground she'd go pee in the house. Now she'll let me get dressed and let ME pee (thank goodness!) and she'll hold it while she waits a few minutes for me to take her out. :whew:

The good/strange thing... she is not crated, and she RARELY has accidents in the house while we're gone. If she does, it is because we left her during the evening for a few hours when she's used to having us home. But during the day she can go 5 hours in the house without peeing so I really think it has more to do with her activity level and attention span, than her bladder control.

Anyway yeah, this is my first time potty training a puppy in an apartment, growing up I had a big fenced in backyard and taught my puppies to ring a bell to go outside, so it's been a challenge not so much about knowing WHAT to do (take the puppy out!) but actually finding the energy to do it for the fifth time in a row in just as many hours.
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