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What have you got in your home??

That is an awesome picture of two beautiful dogs!! Ideal for enlarging and framing.
Sox is a perfect name for your boxer with the four white feet and Daphne is beauteous!!
Thanks for sharing!!

Sorry, didn't see this until today. When we picked him out, we decided to name him Sox after my husband's favorite baseball team, the Chicago White Sox and we thought that was perfect enough, as he also literally has white socks on all four legs. Fast forward a few months after we brought him home and he was obsessed with trying to pull socks off your feet if you were sitting or laying down and still will occasionally to this day, so no other name would be so perfectly suited for him!

Thanks for the nice words on the photo. It was a complete fluke it turned out so nicely. I had just given the two knuckleheads their BarkBox that was delivered minutes before (anyone else get those? I love it!). Of course my daughter opens the box for them and starts doling out the goodies and they both want the same toy, even though there was one for each of them....sigh...
FroxerMom, that's too funny. Dogs are like kids aren't they? They always want the same thing or want what the other one has. I haven't done barkbox but I have heard of it. Twiggy doesn't play with toys and I have to be careful about what treats she has. It looks like a lot of fun though!
FroxerMom, that's too funny. Dogs are like kids aren't they? They always want the same thing or want what the other one has. I haven't done barkbox but I have heard of it. Twiggy doesn't play with toys and I have to be careful about what treats she has. It looks like a lot of fun though!

Hi there-
Yes, for a dog that is toy driven, Bark Box is tons of fun. They are pretty well made too, in my opinion. Only one toy out of ten so far, has had a piece get torn off during play and it's actually the one in the picture (they pulled so hard the rope pull came out). I only let my Boxer have the treats because he has no dietary issues. They aren't organic or anything, but they have no wheat, corn, or soy. They are preservative free and no meat by products. Each box comes with two toys and two bags of treats and a bone or some type of other chew or bullystick type item, for $20. The best thing though, is the company really knows how to treat customers.

I figured it would be worth it for my particular dogs because they both love and truly play with toys, especially Daphne. She even tries to carry them in her mouth outside when we go for walks. And she definitely sleeps with one in her crate next to my bed. And yes, they are FOR SURE like a pair of squabbling siblings.... ;-)
I would definitely try it if I had a dog that liked toys! I bet they get so excited every time a box arrives.
Well I hate to say it but I think I'm going to have to take her back. She bit my husband. Like, ran across the room after him and bit him. Now she went after my cat, and is being kind of a bully to Twiggy. I feel bad because I wanted to help but I didn't sign up for this and Twiggy is stressed. We fostered a 4 month old pit mix last weekend and he did great. They just wanted him to spend time with people. He has to be at the humane society during the week when they are open so potential adopters can see him.

Aw that's too bad. I would do the same thing. You did your best to help but your family's safety definitely comes first.
Our monsters... Zeva, Ozzy & Moo.

Have another foster from the humane society for the week. This one is a sweetheart. He is 4 months old, 40 pounds, legs for days. My kids are crazy about him so I anticipate a bad day Saturday when he goes back.
Have another foster from the humane society for the week. This one is a sweetheart. He is 4 months old, 40 pounds, legs for days. My kids are crazy about him so I anticipate a bad day Saturday when he goes back.

Thanks for fostering - what kind of pup?
Well humane society has him as a mastiff / retriever mix, but he very obviously has pit in there. He is a sweet pup. Big goof ball.
Well humane society has him as a mastiff / retriever mix, but he very obviously has pit in there. He is a sweet pup. Big goof ball.

Aw, that's great! Fingers and toes crossed he gets his forever home soon!!
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