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What is this on my puppies face? Should I be worried?


New member
Mar 10, 2015
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I've attached some pictures. A red swollen pimple like thing has come up on my girls face today. Can someone please tell me what this is? Do I run to the vet asap?


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Buster had 2 of removed a couple months ago. They were non-malignant and would have gone away on their own had we waited.
How old was Buster when he first got them? We go to the vet on Wednesday for her last shots, she's only 3 months so I'll see what the vet says but I wish there was something I can do now to make it go away, in a natural form?
Radar had one of those as a puppy too and it went away by itself. It took nothing but time.

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It's not anything I would worry about. Should go away on their own.
Hudson used to get them too, they go away after a while on their own.

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Bisou used to get these all the time. You can see two of them here

Sometimes they'd get swollen, but most of the time they were just little bumps. Nothing to worry about unless they last a long time. Bisou's would normally clear up within a couple weeks or so.
Yep, I agree, it should go away on it's own, no worries.