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What's your Frenchie's AKC name?

My Lil Miss Sassy Pant's AKC name is Quella La Roux

Even though we have no plans to show or breed, the breeder requested that we register. We had to provide proof that she was spayed before they would give us the litter number. Bisou's official name is Callahan's Zou Bisou Bisou (Oh! Kiss Kiss in French).

Both my boys are AKC and I have the ability to register, but I'm not breeding so I don't really see the point.

Oliver Toulouse Stevenson Bates
The Batman (said in a deep raspy voice) Batty Stevenson Bates
Tank is just Tank
Tucker Puppy Poopie Onion.

The poopie onion is a long story. My step dad would say that to my daughter when she was a toddler and she would howl in laughter. So she started calling her dog that and it stuck. All our dogs except for Tank are called mutiple names.

I call them:

Me me
Little man
Baby man

the hubby thinks none of them know their names. Tucker knows his. Oliver I'm never sure because he NEVER answers me. He never listens to me. LOL Batman will go by Batty I'm sure.
[MENTION=314]Julie Stevenson[/MENTION], I'm glad I'm not the only one that has multiple names for their dog. Jax definitely knows his name but some of my nicknames for him is Boogers (and I don't know why I call him this), Stinkers, Boogs, just to name a few...
[MENTION=314]Julie Stevenson[/MENTION], I'm glad I'm not the only one that has multiple names for their dog. Jax definitely knows his name but some of my nicknames for him is Boogers (and I don't know why I call him this), Stinkers, Boogs, just to name a few...

We call Hudson Boogs too! He is more likely to respond to that than he is to Hudson. Whoops!

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