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white patches on lip

Laura Baxter

New member
Mar 23, 2016
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My puppy is nearly 6 months and white patches have appeared on her bottom lip? They are not risen just look like skin pigment. Is this normal?
My puppy is nearly 6 months and white patches have appeared on her bottom lip? They are not risen just look like skin pigment. Is this normal? 20160323_214636.webp20160323_220309.webp
Yep, I would like to see a pic also.
are they just spots or does it feel like there is something on the skin?
it looks like she might have been infected. the picture is not really that clear but i highly recommend seeing a vet.
Especially if those spots were not there before. Could be a wart.
That (in red circle) right there does not look like a flat skin and it seems a bit risen. It looks like papilloma.
Please see a vet before it spreads to more areas.
it can be easily treated (they freeze it) if it is indeed papilloma.

I found another frenchie with papilloma. so you can compare.

Kind of hard to tell from the photo, but If it is just the pigment in her skin I would not worry about it. Changes occur naturally in puppies.
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