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Anal gland


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2014
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Bambi was scootching yesterday and she smelled a little fishy so I wondered if her anal gland was giving her trouble. I remembered that John used to help out at his friend's business on Saturday mornings a long time ago. She had a grooming shop and he would bathe the dogs before she clipped them. She taught him to express the anal gland while they were in the tub. I asked him if he could do Bambi and it worked really well. He was nervous because it had been a while and because she is our baby but he did great. I watched a bunch of youtube videos and it looks easy, but I am still afraid to try it. Bambi seems much more comfortable.
Cool, so happy her is feeling better. :)
That smell is the worst! Buster is able to expel his own, I guess when he poops! We can smell it a while after.
I'm glad you guys were able to give her some relief.
I have been lucky that my guys never needed help in this area.... that smell is unreal. Glad it worked and she is doing well
Glad she is feeling better and got some relief. My bull terriers would sometimes need their glands to be expressed, but not my frenchies. It is definitely the worst smell.
Yeah, it's definitely nasty. :bad: I think that's what they are rolling in when they roll in the grass and then come in and stink to high heaven. It's like a haute perfume to them.