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As if my life wasn't stressful enough, now something happens with Isabelle.


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Sep 14, 2014
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Isabelle rolled on her back for me to rub her belly, what do I see? A nickel to quarter sized round raised lump taking up the majority of her scar from her spay. It's hard as a rock, pink to red in color, and doesn't seem to bother her. It doesn't exactly look like a bite, and it's not dark red, so it doesn't look like a rupture. It doesn't exactly look like a bug bite either...

Of course my husband immediately freaks out. Adding to the stress :-P

Anybody else had anything similar? I'll try to get a pic after shes done eating her banana.

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The same thing happened to Bisou a few days after her spay. The explanation we received from two separate vets was essentially "it happens," and they weren't worried at all. They said it's swelling from the surgery and not to worry about it. How long ago was she spayed?

It's probably not too helpful since Isabelle wasn't just spayed, but here's our story just in case... We took Bisou to our local vet for another spay issue and simultaneously had him look at the lump, and he said it was just swelling from the surgery. We had such a bad experience with the place that spayed her, as they did an AWFUL job on her stitches... they were zig-zagging, unevenly spaced, and looked like they were threaded too far from the incision and were pulling way too much skin in. About an inch of her stitches broke open a couple days later, so we took her to emergency at a new vet. We asked the tech before he started on surgery, and same explanation - swelling, it'll go away. They removed all the stitches and re-stiched her (CORRECT this time!) and the lump totally disappeared.

Based on my experience, I wouldn't worry too much. Keep an eye on it an take her in if it either doesn't go down or if it seems to be causing her pain. My anxious research before taking her in led me to several discussions about belly lumps being a blockage in the intestines, but the fact that it's directly under her scar makes me think otherwise. Keep us updated!!
The same thing happened to Bisou a few days after her spay. The explanation we received from two separate vets was essentially "it happens," and they weren't worried at all. They said it's swelling from the surgery and not to worry about it. How long ago was she spayed?

It's probably not too helpful since Isabelle wasn't just spayed, but here's our story just in case... We took Bisou to our local vet for another spay issue and simultaneously had him look at the lump, and he said it was just swelling from the surgery. We had such a bad experience with the place that spayed her, as they did an AWFUL job on her stitches... they were zig-zagging, unevenly spaced, and looked like they were threaded too far from the incision and were pulling way too much skin in. About an inch of her stitches broke open a couple days later, so we took her to emergency at a new vet. We asked the tech before he started on surgery, and same explanation - swelling, it'll go away. They removed all the stitches and re-stiched her (CORRECT this time!) and the lump totally disappeared.

Based on my experience, I wouldn't worry too much. Keep an eye on it an take her in if it either doesn't go down or if it seems to be causing her pain. My anxious research before taking her in led me to several discussions about belly lumps being a blockage in the intestines, but the fact that it's directly under her scar makes me think otherwise. Keep us updated!!

It's actually directly on top of her scar. Since titan has an appt at 1:30 isabelle is going too. She double booked us thank goodness Id rather get it checked out and she was spayed a few months ago. And got the "inside out" stitches.

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It's not uncommon for some dogs to develop a hard lump for a while where the incision is. Could be just a little localized reaction to the suture material. (Even if they use glue on the skin, there are a couple layers of internal sutures). I'm sure she will be fine. *hugs* for Isabelle.
Yeah, I posted a pic of either Gidget or Olivia at the time... I'll see if I can find it.
I remember Stella having a red raised bump after being spayed as well.
You're getting kicked from all sides! Holy. I hope it ends up being nothing. Uma had a bit of a bump as well but it went away.

It went away in about a half an hour, this is what we see now.

Isabelle was spayed back in August...

Showed the vet we took titan to this pic she said its Probably a hernia.

What in the world we can't catch a break.

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blushy, that is one fine looking belly to me! So glad she is better. It is such a worry when we find something or they are sick! When I read your post, I thought it might be results of the way they stitched her.
I hope the hernia is only temporary. Again, good luck! I feel I'm saying this a lot to you today. lol!
Totally normal, they will get that from time to time and it should go away with time.
Oh that happens in our house all the time - husband over reacts and adds more stress :yell: