Aspiration pneumonia


New member
Jul 20, 2014
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Had a scare with our Munson yesterday. He had vomited overnight, not sure why- maybe just an upset stomach. In the morning, he was not acting like himself. Was mopey and started shaking. He fell asleep for a few hours and seemed ok, but when he woke up, he was shaking again and I could hear is labored breathing. Of course it was a Sunday so my regular vet was not open. So glad I decided not to wait and instead went to an Emergency Vet a friend recommended. They did xrays- found nothing in is stomach ( I thought he may have ate something he shouldn't have) but found fluid in his lungs. Apparently when he vomited, he aspirated some if it into his lungs. The gave him an antibiotic and we will continue it for the next week. They wanted to have him stay overnight to monitor him, but we decided to take him home and watch him closely. He was not dehydrated and we thought he would be more comfortable at home. My husband slept on the couch with him all night monitoring his breathing and movements ready to go to the emergency vet again if we had to. No problems at all, he slept well and this morning he is much better. Breathing normally and soundlessly ( well as soundless as a normal frenchie can be, lol) is up and moving, normal activity and wanted to eat and take water. Thank God! So glad we took him in right away and caught it before it got worse -it can be life threatening. Will continue with the antibiotics and follow up with our regular vet. Hoping for continued good progress and a full recovery. My poor baby boy - so happy to see him doing better today!
So sorry to hear !!! I would be really careful when you give the antibiotic that your dog doesn't inhale that as well. When I was giving my dog amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, she wouldn't eat the chew tab, so I crushed it up and put the powder in a syringe with a bit of water, and syringed it very slowly in the side of her mouth. If you can get him to eat it in a piece of cheese or treat greenie pocket or some such, that would definitely be easier.
So sorry to hear !!! I would be really careful when you give the antibiotic that your dog doesn't inhale that as well. When I was giving my dog amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, she wouldn't eat the chew tab, so I crushed it up and put the powder in a syringe with a bit of water, and syringed it very slowly in the side of her mouth. If you can get him to eat it in a piece of cheese or treat greenie pocket or some such, that would definitely be easier.

I put it in cheese & he takes it with no issues. He is much better today - pretty much back to his normal self so the treatment seems to be working. Thank Goodness!

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Oh no poor Munson (and poor you) That is so scarey. Glad he is doing better:)
I am so glad Munson is doing better. I totally agree with the decision to take him home for the night, staying at the vets would stress him!
Poor little guy... so glad you caught it early noticing the little differences and getting him to the vet.

Prayers and hugs for a quick recovery

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Poor little guy... so glad you caught it early noticing the little differences and getting him to the vet.

Prayers and hugs for a quick recovery

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Thank you and yes- it looks like we did catch it early enough. He is doing great, you wouldn't even know he was so sick on Sunday. I am so glad I trusted my gut and took him in on Sunday. I really think if I waited for my regular vet on Monday, it could have been a lot worse. It's so scary when you notice something wrong because they can't tell you what's bothering them.