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Back Problems?


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Dec 15, 2014
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My 4 year old Frenchie ate some wrapped chocolate candy just after the holidays and naturally got an upset tummy. He had bloody stool which lasted way longer than I thought it should so I had my Vet take an xray to make sure there was no obstruction. The good news was that indeed there was no obstruction and the bloody stool should clear up shortly.... which it did.
The bad news is that the xray showed what my Vet referred to as "severe, severe calcification of the last 4 dics in his spine, the worst he has ever seen in a 4 year old", which he said was most likely caused by genetics. Needless to say I was blown away, as my little man is very active and maintains an ideal weight. Now, I am scared to death for what's to come.
My Vet says to let him live his life, as there is no way of telling if and when this will become a problem. But....I am terrified and have been trying to limit his jumping as best I can, which isn't easy.
Has anyone had any experience dealing with this issue, especially at such a young age with their Frenchie?
I'm so sorry about your news from the vet. I personally don't have experience wih back issues so I'm not much help here, but I know it can be really bad for them to jump off of the bed, etc.
And just for future reference if he ingests something bad again, there is a medication that they drop in their eye to induce vomiting thus preventing it from moving into the intestines and causing a blockage.
Good luck! Maybe some doggie stairs near your sofa or bed if he goes on there.
One of my English Bulldogs, Mack, spine was fusing. It first showed up in xrays when he was 3. As the fusing progressed he adapted, like to jump up on the couch he would back up farther so he could get a run at it. He would also crouch and get a push off his front legs. There is a laser treatment that helps with pain. Mack lived a normal, active life. With Bulldogs so much of their strength is up front. His heart stopped beating when he was 9. When he was almost 8 we found out he had developed an irregular heartbeat. He was taking a people medicine to regulate it. I agree with your vet, let Remy live a normal life!
I have experience with arthritic spine with my Bulldog (English)... Banks was diagnosed with butterfly vertebra at around age of 2, our vet would always say to us 'any other breed and she would not be able to handle the pain'. She never really showed signs of pain, but we could tell when she was having a bad day. her treatment was all pain management with several meds that all were adjusted based on us knowing her body language and what she needed. Her meds were, Tramadol, Deramaxx and Gabapetin and she also went for monthly laser therapy which helped a lot and we could till when she was ready for a session. Cold weather, of course, was her biggest problem, but for the most part her 9 yrs of life were not impacted by any of the issues.
Thanks to everyone who replied....it means a lot! Remy is the love of my life, as I'm sure all of your pups are.
Any other information will be greatly appreciated!
Aw I'm sorry you got bad news! You could try to train Remy not to jump on the couch, but it would take major strict training from you, & 4 years on the couch? He's going to be like "what the heck is going on?!" Lol. But it's worth a shot to try to redirect him to a nice plush dog bed :) that would limit his jumping and he would be comfy!

I think since you said he's a nice healthy weight, definitely maintain that too.

Sending love to you & Remy!
I'm so sorry; that had to be such a shock. I think it is positive that nothing has manifested yet and he is four. Hopefully he will continue as he has been and that the calcification is pretty much done. You could have him x-rayed every year, now that you have a baseline, just to see if/how it is advancing. I hope he continues to be okay. We all love these little ones so deeply that they are a real worry when something isn't right.
Sorry to hear that. I don't have any experience with this, but agree with the others, just let him live his life. He will let you know when it bothers him, Nd then the pain management can start.
So sorry to hear about your Remy. I think that training him to use doggy steps would be beneficial, even better would be to pick him on and off the furniture. If he starts to show pain or deficits, I'd suggest seeing a neurologist pronto.

My Remy suffers from several spinal conditions, some he was born with and some are age related. When I got him 4 years ago, he could still jump up on the couch. Then he had to use steps. For a short time he worsened (dragging rear feet, knuckling paws, poor elimination control) to the point I bought him an Eddie's Wheels cart. Then he improved. He can still climb stairs by putting all 4 feet on one step at a time before moving up or down. He takes Gabapentin for nerve pain twice daily, Adequan injections monthly for arthritis, and daily supplements. I chose Dogzmes Phyto-flex which has glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid in it.
He is 10 1/2 and still hanging in there.

Best of wishes to your Remy.
WOW! 10 and 1/2 years old and still going. God bless your sweet little Remy.
Great idea to repeat the x-ray annually, but I worry about exposure?
He is such a good boy and pretty much listens to all of my commands. I have been working with him to stop at the bed and wait for me to pick him up and down. Thanks for your kind words!