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Bambi's check-up


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2014
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We're home from our vet visit this morning. I am so confused - and really livid. Let me preface this by saying that I made appointment for Bambi with a major veterinary clinic, in a large metropolitan city, rather than go to our one-vet semi-retired regular vet for Ginger. I thought this place and their doctors would have cutting edge information on bullies, food, allergies, health issues of the breed.

The vet was a young "kid" with a sharp, flippant attitude and no bedside manner. He said "when did she have puppies?" I said "around September" and explained that she has had three litters and just been spayed. He said, "is she housebroken?", to which I replied, "no." He said (I swear), "and you paid for her!?" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said, "yes, and I would gladly have paid more." :censored: (she was only $600; I would have paid three times that for her - or more!!!) He said, "I'm just surprised that they just didn't give her to you." What an a$$hole, I'm sorry.

I told him all the reasons I was there (wanted to put weight on Bambi - she is only 18 lbs.). Told him I was feeding her Fromm. He said he feeds his dogs Purina and so does everyone else at the place. "That is where the science is," (with the big food brands). He said Blue Buffalo was just found to be basically Purina with a different label, "so you're basically paying all this money for the same thing." (I thought Purina and those places used road kill and worse in their food. To put weight on her, he told me to just feed her more. I said, I've read bullies don't put weight on that way," ]and it sure as heck isn't working with Bambi trying to get her to gain weight so far]. Then, I said I also fed her Fromm to avoid any possible allergies. He said something like Frenchies don't have a "large prevalence of allergies in the breed"!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was gobsmacked. About her weight, he said she could gain 3-5 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!! (I think two pounds would be perfect but that she would be teetering on almost plump with that). 3-5 pounds is 16% - 27% of her total weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry - she's thin but not emaciated!!!!!!!!!

He basically shot down Revolution and didn't think not vaccinating for distemper and parvo every year or whatever the cycle is was a good idea.

The only thing I was satisfied with was how he examined her hips and legs (I was concerned about spinal issues because she prefers to sit rather than stand and has never done the frog.). He said something about the tendon in her knees being off slightly on both sides [gave me a term for it] (one is a 1 and the other is a 2?), but that this is relatively common with small dogs. blushy, if you are reading this, please thank your lucky stars that you have a vet who actually know bullies.

$268 later and I came away with nothing except confusing and contradictory information, a heartworm test, poop sample, and some Revolution vials. I think this place sends a "survey." Believe me, I am going to say my piece. I will never go back to this doctor again. I mean, why enter the profession if you are that miserable.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I work for a small town Veterinarian, and I have been there since 1996. We sometimes have vets to fill in or help out that are "big time" from big towns and specializing in various things. You would think they would know more, be better, but I have learned that (in our case) that isn't always the case. Actually, it's rarely if ever the case. She has had to retreat or change treatment on more animals that I can even name because of misdiagnosis, etc.

Hopefully she just needs some muscle in those back legs. As far as weight, I don't disagree that you can just feed her more. Maybe add an extra meal in, or just increase her meals.
Oh gosh I'm so sorry for that experience [emoji22]

The reason we switched vets was because we usually went to a bigger inner-city vet, and our dogs never saw the same vet twice. It was getting ridiculous, and we actually had a similar experience as you with the vet actually asking "well why'd you buy the dog?" when it made us upset that he was sick. Just unprofessional and rude.

I don't think the bigger vets are better, we switched to the new vet and its 2 vets, that's it. It's a much better option, on top of her actually knowing frenchies so well.

Would you like me to PM you our vets number? She may be willing to give you a call back? It's worth a shot...

We are 4 vet visits, $350 in the hole at our old vets for Titan, less than $200 with the new vet, one visit and Titan is MUCH better...

Was the term luxating patella? It's pretty common and after time requires surgery. :( I think a combo of that and low muscle tone would probably be her reason for not wanting to stand for long periods, and also not sitting frog dog.

For putting on weight our vet advised us to feed on a schedule, but feed him until he will not eat anymore per sitting for 2 weeks. This will encourage weight gain. It seems to already be working. So I would try, if she is the same weight in 2 weeks, leave it alone until you can try another vet... Which I hope you can find one! Definitely ask the pet trainers at PetCo or PetSmart, or even google around for bully breed trainers & call them - they may know a vet!

Again I'm so sorry for your horrible experience. It's never fun when you're a worried dog owner and then something like this happens. Just fuels the fire. Believe me I was in the same boat last weekend! Hang in there!

I would be beyond livid too... i can not stand those type -- if you do return, make sure you get a different vet.
we have one of those at my vet office -- he actually referred to Cheli as a Pug. If i have an emergency and he is the only doctor on duty - I will not go in... he is as you said, seems miserible and has no beside manner.

BTW -- I LOVE my vet (practice owner) and would refer him and a few of the others to anyone nearby, but when I do i tell them to avoid this one. also, my vet always told me 'a high percent of vets know nothing or very little about nutrition and you should look into a canine nutritionist for advice on food; however when I told him we feed Fromm... he said 'now that is a great food.'
What a lovely experience! I would have told him off right there...(but thats just my personality.If somebody says something so offensive about my dog I would freak out at them :P). And about Purina.Well..lets say unfortunately I still hear it way too often. Do your research.Look whats in their food (wait,actually u cant because they make a big secret about where they source their ingredients.Very likely China, shelters etc). Those low quality kibbles are super-duper high carb diets,often filled with saw dust(literally). Argh I think everybody on here knows how I get regarding nutrition,but whenever I hear those P and M and R names it makes my stomach turn because I see dilemmas caused by all this on a daily basis and I know exactly whats causing it. But in the industry its all about money...
So sorry to hear about your horrible experience with the vet. How frustrating. I hope you can find a better vet that is familiar with brachy breeds. It is so wrong of them to judge and make comments like that. They should just address your concerns and deal with the health of the animal!
I would never feed my dog Purina btw. You might as well feed them the bag.
You can do titers for parvo and distemper if you want to check if she has the antibodies so you are not vaccinating her unnecessarily. I just did this with Jake who is two and he is protected.
Also if she does have a luxated patella, I have experience with that surgery with my bull terrier, Boomer (rip). She would most likely be exhibiting some limping if that's what it was.
My Stella also needs to put on weight. She is just under 20 lbs. and 15 mos. old. My vet agreed that she could stand to put on 3 lbs. just fyi. I also agree about feeding a little more or adding an additional meal to help with the weight gain if she will eat it. Does she finish her meals or does she lose interest and leave the food?
Bambi is lucky to have such a caring, loving mom that is looking out for her. Good luck!
[MENTION=1070]Mavis[/MENTION] - If there is a teaching hospital in your area connected with a University, that would be my recommendation. We have been to Va Tech several times (referrals from our vet who are small, but wonderful). At Va Tech, they see animals for regular visits and they have the specialty / emergency side as well. Sorry you had to endure that, what a downer.

I agree with [MENTION=600]Jakeyjake[/MENTION]... is she interested in food or leave it? Ours go at their food bowls like vacuum cleaners!!! We feed Blue Buffalo kibble and have canned as backups if I don't have their home cooked ready. Does Fromm have any canned foods?

Also, remember you've only had her... 1 month? It will probably take some time to build up those muscles. She's very lucky you took her home!!!
[MENTION=1070]Mavis[/MENTION] - If there is a teaching hospital in your area connected with a University, that would be my recommendation. We have been to Va Tech several times (referrals from our vet who are small, but wonderful). At Va Tech, they see animals for regular visits and they have the specialty / emergency side as well. Sorry you had to endure that, what a downer.

I agree with [MENTION=600]Jakeyjake[/MENTION]... is she interested in food or leave it? Ours go at their food bowls like vacuum cleaners!!! We feed Blue Buffalo kibble and have canned as backups if I don't have their home cooked ready. Does Fromm have any canned foods?

Also, remember you've only had her... 1 month? It will probably take some time to build up those muscles. She's very lucky you took her home!!!

Fromm does have canned food, I believe... :)
Thanks, everyone, so much! So good to have a forum where people can relate to what you are talking about and offer advise. MaplesMommy, you are too funny - but so right. I should have gone mad dog on that vet's a$$. I am never going back there again. Oh, yeah, you guys, another thing he told me was if I fed Purina or one of the junk foods, her stool would be "smaller" because "they absorb more of the nutrients." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uh, excuse me; a) there are no nutrients in that food and, b) I think it's the other way around - jerk.

2bullymama, I'd be so ticked off if my vet thought my frenchie was a pug!!!!!!!!!! (pugs are darling, too, but a vet should know the difference!) That is unbelievable!

Bambi eats her food like it's her last meal. She inhales it. blushy, is it Isa or Titan the one you feed til they can't eat anymore? Do they ever throw up from doing that? Do they poop it all out? Have you noticed that they are gaining weight? I'm afraid that Bambi would just keep eating until she busted - she is so food motivated. I thought I would start feeding Bambi three times a day now. I will give her a scrambled egg as a supplement with one of her meals. I just cannot believe how attached I am to her (I love our Ginger so much, too). Today I sat with Bambi for an hour watching tv. I had her sweater on and had her all swaddled up in a blanket just like an infant. She was so toasty and just snored and slept away. Now I am afraid that she is cold because she is so thin. That dog is making me a wreck! :loco2:
P.S. Sorry, yes, she does have a luxated patella in both knees.
Thanks, everyone, so much! So good to have a forum where people can relate to what you are talking about and offer advise.

Bambi eats her food like it's her last meal. She inhales it. blushy, is it Isa or Titan the one you feed til they can't eat anymore? Do they ever throw up from doing that? Do they poop it all out? Have you noticed that they are gaining weight? I'm afraid that Bambi would just keep eating until she busted - she is so food motivated. I thought I would start feeding Bambi three times a day now. I will give her a scrambled egg as a supplement with one of her meals. I just cannot believe how attached I am to her (I love our Ginger so much, too). Today I sat with Bambi for an hour watching tv. I had her sweater on and had her all swaddled up in a blanket just like an infant. She was so toasty and just snored and slept away. Now I am afraid that she is cold because she is so thin. That dog is making me a wreck! :loco2:

It's Titan. So it was the frenchie specialist who advised us of this :)

Titan looks like he is literally going to burst so she also said when they look "balloony" just take the food away :-P so it's up to you to gauge that balloon look.

He's never thrown up, just a couple small burps after eating, and he poops like a maniac. It's really rather annoying actually lol but if he puts on the weight the vet wants to see I have to deal! :-P

I'm not 100% sure if hes gaining weight yet because I'm not 100% sure the parasites are gone... So i will let you know if he's gained any weight at his vet appt, but she said that's how you help them gain.

The cold factor is more of a "OOH so warm and comfy" treat it like a baby or child... Are you chilly? They're prob a bit chilly. Are you hot? Your dog is probably hot. That's what I do and none of my dogs have ever panted or shivered lol! At least not indoors :)

Aw poor baby about the luxated patella :( and both knees :(
I can not stand an arrogant vet or doctor for that matter. They are there to help us. I hope you find a good vet soon. We are blessed here and have some great bully vets.
I'm so sorry your vet visit was so horrible. Disgusting that they don't know the difference between a pug and Frenchie. The hell???
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