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Before and after..and after!!

Frenchie Fanatic

New member
Jun 29, 2017
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As some of you may know, Charlie was very sick last month.
We thought we might lose him.
While his recovery was "remarkable" in the words of his neurologist, his deterioration
was just as if not more amazing.

He went from being able to stand and walk at 10am, to completely paralyzed by 3pm.
Thanks to wonderful doctors and the prayers and good thoughts from folks here, Charlie is well and flourishing.
He is still down a bit over one (1) lbs. in weight, but getting an extra meal daily and a Vitamin B12 shot once a week
for four weeks. Next week is his last shot. His weight is coming back!
I would like to share some pics to illustrate how our little guys' faces are so demonstrative.

The pic on the left is before Charlie got sick. The one on the right was in the
middle of his ordeal. The last one is him now.
Except for his weight, he is pretty much back to normal.

Funny note, when he was in the hospital, my wife promised him,
"When you come out of this, you can be as bad as you want when you come home".
Not sure she should have told him that. He's taken her up on it!! :yes:

Thanks again!! :yes:



At home!

Been following Charlie's story and so very glad you have had a happy ending. NO doubt it is due to your quick action and willingness to go to any length to save his life. Thanks for sharing the update and pics. What a smushy love he must be!
I’m so glad Charlie is back at home and healthy enough to be a stinker [emoji4].

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Wow, he looks great! I am so happy that he has recovered so well. What a great success story and a relief. How could this little angel face be naughty? :D You are right, I'd let him do whatever he wanted.
I'm glad Charlie is getting better, but stories like this ready aggravate me. These unethical breeders who bred for "color" and money but not for health are ruining the breed. Then buyers like yourself bye them and get stuck with a hefty vet bill. Most of these poor Frenchies will end up in shelters, rescues, or worse on the streets because the owners can't afford the vet bills. These breeders should be run out of town and not allowed to breed ever. There are good breeders out there who try to breed to the FBDCA standard and for health and temperament, but these unethical breeders are giving all of us a bad name.
I am so glad Charlie is out or the woods and regaining his health. :heart:
So happy he is bounced back and doing well! You are so right in how you can see the difference in his face , can tell he was not doing well.

Hugs to your handsome boy!
So glad to hear that Charlie is pretty much back to normal. He's looking just as handsome as ever!!! :)
I'm so glad that precious baby is better! He looks great.
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