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Being hand fed...


New member
Dec 29, 2016
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My 12 weeker isn't eating much in general. She mostly will only eat out of my hand. Which is a little time consuming. A few days ago she scarfed down her whole bowl actually OUT of the bowl with no issues. But in general, it's like I have to force feed her. She's being fed Fromms Puppy Gold.


I really hope it's not just her being picky, because Fromms isnt exactly cheap and I had to order it online. It's not sold in any actual stores, right?
Boil some bonless chicken breast with no salt or anything. Shredd it up real nice like a quarter of what you would feed her, mix it in with her kibble and she will love it. Maybe some egg whites in the morning, mix it in the same way. My boy milo is a beast behind it.

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my only hesitation with this is that she'll expect meat with it every time and refuse to eat it otherwise lol.
Is she your baby or not? Think about it. I just gave my 5 month old boy a teaspoon of organic coconut oil and I do it every other day, he gets egg whites 2 times a week and boiled chicken in his natural balance twice a day. Slowly I will groom him into eating cooked food when he gets a bit older, he's 5 months now. I know it seems crazy but buy a pack of chicken breast maybe 6 bucks. Boil half for 3 days and stick it in the fridge it will literally take you 20 minutes every 3 days. Give her veggies like carrots, but very little at a time. I am also thinking of switching Milo to fromm. This food has tons of meat which is good for them. Wow I talk alot right?

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You could also try a different brand of puppy food, eg. Orijen, which my Frenchie much preferred to Fromm. I feed my dog any extra food like coconut oil, apple slices, and Kirkland greek yoghurt separately, and I totally gave up on giving her sardines because she wouldn't eat dog food for a full day until she realized she wasn't getting any more sardines. I've been switching between different brands and protein content dog foods ( all grain free ) and so far haven't found it made any difference to my Frenchie who licks her paws incessantly. She currently is on Orijen Six Fish, which didn't make any difference in that behaviour, so I'm switching her gradually to Presidents Choice Nutrition First Sensitive Skin and Stomach to save money. I just got a second dog ( English Bulldog ) who was being fed on Purina Pro Plan shredded chicken and rice from her former owner, and she has zero issues with yeast or itchy paws, so I think good genes are much more important than diet, although I wouldn't give my dog a 1 star dog food.
Try a little bit of pumpkin or coconut oil mixed in
I've only had a problem with Bambi not eating a couple of times. I would resist hand feeding if you can because I think a normal routine is best. I have always felt that if you entice them and they are hungry, they will eat (I have resorted to making Bambi eggs and giving her pedialyte when I was really worried). We feed our dogs Acana. Bambi can be finicky on occasion, so we nuke a couple tablespoons of canned food with a little water for about 15 seconds and then mix it in with the dry. She loves it and I think it makes the dry food more palatable. Stinks pretty bad but I would think to them it smells good. Also, sometimes I will give her and Ginger just a couple of tiny "appetizers" before they eat (anything - chips, pizza, crackers, etc.), and I swear it works them into a frenzy and stimulates their appetite.

Good luck.