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BOAS surgery recommendations in or near LA


New member
Mar 15, 2025
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Hi everyone!
I’m looking into getting BOAS surgery for my sweet fur baby, but I haven’t been able to get a solid recommendation from my vet. I’ve been doing my own research, but with all the advertisements online, it’s hard to know who to truly trust.

If any of you are in or near LA and have had a wonderful experience with a particular doctor or surgeon, I would be so incredibly grateful for your recommendations. It would mean the world to me to find someone who will take the best care of my baby.

Thank you so much in advance! Sending love to you and your fur babies.
Try searching on Bulldog club of America website. Also, there used to be a well respected vet, Dr. buchko, I think was the name not sure if he is still practicing but so many LA area bulldog owners go to him
Try searching on Bulldog club of America website. Also, there used to be a well respected vet, Dr. buchko, I think was the name not sure if he is still practicing but so many LA area bulldog owners go to him
Thank you so much!
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