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Bordetella YES or NO?

Julie Stevenson

New member
Nov 10, 2013
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Hello Frenchie Board Family,

I need some help here. Batty (Batman's nick name now) is getting his vaccines and I have read conflicting stories about the bullie breeds and the bordetella vaccine. There is inter nasal and inject-able. I have read that people have had many issues with their bullies developing pneumonia from the inter nasal vaccine and therefore do not recommend giving it. We do not board or do the doggie daycare thing. With 4 doggies I have my own daycare! LOL

He has been given DHPP and a separate Parvo from his breeder. My vet wants to give the Bordetella and I'm really against it unless we really need it. What are your thoughts? Any experience with the vaccine? I have not vaccinated Ollie for it as of yet either.

Any and all thoughts and opinions are welcome!

Hudson had the inter nasal one. No issues with it. He goes to doggie daycare on occasion so we didn't have a choice.

We also were not given a choice on whether we wanted the vaccine or the nasal one. Our vet did it over the course of a few minutes so he didn't get overwhelmed, and he didn't seem uncomfortable at all. He had no reaction to it at all.

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Jax goes to daycare and has been boarded in the past so the Bordetella is a requirement. He had the nasal one with no issues. I guess if your pups do not go to daycare and are not being boarded anytime soon, it may not be necessary.
If you are nit boarding, going to daycare or dig parks... Then it really isn't necessary . My guys get the injection but has the nasal in the past without issue

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We use the oral one at the Veterinary hospital where I work. We have never had an issue. Most boarding and grooming facilities require it. Kennel cough is pretty contagious.
I wouldnt get it! Kennel cough is not even a bad disease. Most dogs dont even show symptoms, if they do its a little cough and highly treatable.
Don't get it. And your vet cant force you. Its your dog and your decision!
If you wanna know if your dog has developed antibodies against this ' disease' you can always do a titer test and find out ;)
Ultimately if your dog isn't going to be in an environment where he needs it then there is no need for him to get it. We have the intranasal and oral at our clinic and have never had any issues with it in any breed. Kennel cough is really a nuisance more than anything as the symptoms can linger for weeks, but we have had dogs develop more serious issues from it like pneumonia. The vaccine ultimately helps them get over the virus quicker if they have it on board.
As long as you don't take them anywhere, you don't need it. If you ever do just get the shot, or the new version, they just swab the inside of their mouth with it.
Now that I would do! That won't cause pneumonia. Thanks for letting me know that's an option David!
Now that I would do! That won't cause pneumonia. Thanks for letting me know that's an option David!
It is still a risk. Why get your dog infected with a disease (Yes,thats what happens) if you dont have to.
If you dont bring him to doggy daycare etc and have to have it I would let him be. If he is ever exposed to the illness his immune system will fight it of, if not and he 'catches it' its not even likely he will show symtoms..and like I said its very treatable, like a little cold for us :)
My uncles dog almost died from kennel cough so saying dogs don't really get sick from it is a lie. Both of our dogs were boarded at the same time in the same kennel. My staffy had been vaccinated so even though she caught it too she was nowhere near as sick as his dog got who wasn't vaccinated. He ended up in the hospital for a few days. If you take your dog out around other dogs then I would get vaccinated. I wouldn't want to see any of my dogs suffer the way my uncles dog did.
It is not a lie, its scientifically proven!
I am sorry for this dog but an average healthy(!) dog would not die from a kennel cough. However if the dog was already immune suppressed or had other illnesses or a non functioning immune system or organ everything could have killed him.

'Cases' like this make people panic and vaccinate but infact all the non sense vaccinations is whats making their pets sick or even die sooner than usual. (That and the chemicals they are feeding them).
Kennel cough *can* turn into a more serious illness like pneumonia even in a healthy dog. Vaccines are here for a reason..... I personally prefer to vaccinate, but like Ive said before being in the veterinary industry I see the really sad and bad things that happen when people choose not to so my experience has educated me a certain way.

In the case of this thread I don't think the vaccine is needed, but wouldn't hesitate to do it if you find yourself frequenting places where lots of dogs congregate.
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