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May 28, 2014
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Video of chowder and Stella playing.

Not sure if these are acceptable behaviors first time two dog owners so if you see anything alarming please let me know :)

thank you guys for your input!
SO CUTE! I think Chowder is being the perfect big brother - truly. He is so gentle with Stella, even with her nipping and climbing on him. Actually, from what I have seen, I think Stella is the dominant one. Did you notice the hip checks she gives him? I would monitor her a little more than him. He hasn't done anything that concerns me.
SO CUTE! I think Chowder is being the perfect big brother - truly. He is so gentle with Stella, even with her nipping and climbing on him. Actually, from what I have seen, I think Stella is the dominant one. Did you notice the hip checks she gives him? I would monitor her a little more than him. He hasn't done anything that concerns me.

haha she totally learned that move from him.

Chowder is the KING of hip check's. My cousin has a 13 week old English Bulldog and chowder does not let him near at all. We call it the box out. hahaha so funny watching these 2 go at it all day.

I think thats the thing that concerns me. Chowder is such a gentle boy taht he wont correct her bad behaviors. :(
Chowder is adorable. I love his markings and his face. He is really good with her. I have been working with a trainer for some time with my dogs now and we have been teaching them various commands/words. So rather than just calling Stella's name, assign a command word, "leave it", or "no", and touch her when she starts to growl at Chowder to prevent things from escalating. I wouldn't allow her to growl at him and would nip that in the bud. Dogs can't do two things at once, so once you tap her and tell her "No!" it will redirect her brain. You don't want her to take over the leader role. You are the leader and she will learn that over time.
It must be in the name or something, because my Stella was a fireball with Jake and would growl and bark at him when she was a puppy:-) I felt the same way with Jake as you are feeling with Chowder. He is really laid back and I almost felt as if I had made a mistake getting Stella. He just loved playing with other dogs so much, I wanted him to have a playmate. I would pen Stella frequently to give Jake a break. Stella is now 2 and Jake will be 3 in January and they get along great!
I agree. Looks like little Stella takes it a little too serious. ;) But other than that,they look like they're having fun & Chowder behaves quite well.
They are both having a blast! Itt looks like normal dog play to me!
They area having so much fun together! Chowder is very submissive towards the little one, which is a really good thing. I see nothing in the video to be concerned about. I would also keep more eye on Stella, just to make sure she won't take play too seriously. But overall, CONGRATS! your little fellas are doing great! :heart:
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