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Cortana is home now!

YAY We have played and she has eaten her food!! Not to mention getting sassy a couple times ;) She is running around like crazy now!!
What a beautiful little gir! Can't wait to hear about her little stories.
I live just outside of Winnipeg in Manitoba. I was wondering how you knew about Timmies :)
I live just outside of Winnipeg in Manitoba. I was wondering how you knew about Timmies :)

LOL I lived right across the street from one. :) Stopped there on the way to work and the way home! Career Military so I am hooked on coffee.
Keep us posted on the vet visit today.

Vet visit was a smashing success. Cortana broke hearts and made fans! Clean bill of health and will be on the Vets Facebook page :)
Tried to get a pic but, she looked away too fast...DAGNABIT

My toys!.webp
Better picture. I need practice on taking pictures!
Great news that she's settling in!!

Oh, and you will get PLENTY of practice taking photos... word of advice - buy extra memory cards!
That is just too cute. I can hardly stand it!

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