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Crate training & housebreaking HORROR


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Mar 10, 2015
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Hi all!

Ivy is finally home with us.

It's only been a few hours and she's showing a lot of character.

I have a crate set up in the family room that is connected to a playpen. She doesn't mind being in either one if I am in the room but one I leave, she whines bloody murder. We are having our first night tonight and we discussed that we are going to lock the crate and just let her cry, even if it takes days. But I wonder, doest that method really work?

Additionally, she's been peeing and pooping on the wee wee pad in the play pen or a few inches away from it. I would love to take her outside after naps, meals and playtimes to get her used to doing it out there but she has only had one set of shots.

All advise, suggestions and recommendations are welcome!

When Hudson was little we had his crate setup in the bedroom so that he was soothed by the fact that we were there. We always let him cry it out in the crate, and after the first night he never cried again. We have a friend who would go over and "soothe" the dog when he cried -- he learned that crying = reward and now he's beyond obnoxious and cannot be crated.

If he woke me up randomly in the night by whining, I would take him out to potty and put him right back in the crate when he was done. It worked great for us, but every dog and situation is different!

Your baby is adorable! This phase is tough but it is ohhh so worth it!

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Hi all!

Ivy is finally home with us.

It's only been a few hours and she's showing a lot of character.

I have a crate set up in the family room that is connected to a playpen. She doesn't mind being in either one if I am in the room but one I leave, she whines bloody murder. We are having our first night tonight and we discussed that we are going to lock the crate and just let her cry, even if it takes days. But I wonder, doest that method really work?

Additionally, she's been peeing and pooping on the wee wee pad in the play pen or a few inches away from it. I would love to take her outside after naps, meals and playtimes to get her used to doing it out there but she has only had one set of shots.

All advise, suggestions and recommendations are welcome!

View attachment 5708

Took Mickie a few nights of crying before he finally slept through the night with no issue. Now, its the only place he'll sleep at night. Soothing when they cry is only reinforcing the behavior, so do your best to ignore. I promise it will get easier!!

Good luck and congrats!!
We had Ralphy in his crate in our room for the first three weeks. He only whined the first night and now he sleeps in his crate in the front room. My breeder suggested to put the crate on a chair in your room so he is even closer to you and off the floor which can be drafty, but we just had his crate on the floor with a blanket over the top to keep it cozy :)
Don't give in to the crying no matter how hard it is. I hated hearing billy but we stuck it out and he stopped crying after two nights. The first night he was in th kitchen and we slept on an air bed so he could see us. The second night we left him and the third night he was fine. Sometimes if I put him in the kitchen in the day to hoover the living room or something I can hear him squeaking but the minute he stops squeaking I go in and praise him. Now he hardly ever squeaks. Ps. Ivy is adorable!!!!
Sounds like everyone has the crying thing down. About the potty training. I didn't want to train Radar inside on the pee pads as I don't have the space for it and I trained him to go outside. He didn't contract any horrible disease but I was also using an area the other dogs (I live in a dog friendly apartment complex) weren't going to. I think it made it easier instead of training to pee on the pads and then retraining to go outside. She is totally adorable, I love her little face.

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Keep in mind ... Frenchies LOVE and want to be with their humans, so that is the crying when you leave the room, she can't follow. But, once you give in to it, stick a fork in you... she will never stop so try your best to not give in.

Outside potty -- if it is just your yard, it is fine to take her out for potty but if it is shared space and other dogs can be there... I would pick a certain spot to take her and stick with it, Best of luck