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Desperately seeking potty training advice

OK, I'm not posting any kind of braggy stuff on here anymore. Yesterday was HORRIBLE! No exaggeration, as soon as I hit 'post' I checked my email and saw a message from the boyfriend saying that we'd already had two accidents. By the time I got home, it had been upped to three AND we pooped on the floor! No worries, right? She's cute and she's still young - all is good. This morning I went down to get her up for her morning jaunt and she was laying on top of her snuggle pet. It was so adorable, but then it occurred to me that she never lays *on* snuggle pet, it's always *near* snuggle pet. So I lifted snuggle pet and, yep, huge puddle of pee. I have a devious little peanut on my hands!

Just so you know, I'm laughing as I type this. And the boyfriend laughs as well. How can you not? They're just too cute and too sweet. But I did move on from the second puppy idea.
OK, I'm not posting any kind of braggy stuff on here anymore. Yesterday was HORRIBLE! No exaggeration, as soon as I hit 'post' I checked my email and saw a message from the boyfriend saying that we'd already had two accidents. By the time I got home, it had been upped to three AND we pooped on the floor! No worries, right? She's cute and she's still young - all is good. This morning I went down to get her up for her morning jaunt and she was laying on top of her snuggle pet. It was so adorable, but then it occurred to me that she never lays *on* snuggle pet, it's always *near* snuggle pet. So I lifted snuggle pet and, yep, huge puddle of pee. I have a devious little peanut on my hands!

Just so you know, I'm laughing as I type this. And the boyfriend laughs as well. How can you not? They're just too cute and too sweet. But I did move on from the second puppy idea.

It's part of having a puppy I always say. I was super lucky with Ollie he caught on pretty quickly. By about 5 months he was fully potty trained. I think Batty will be about the same. I hope! I never yell or spank. If I catch him in the act I scoop him up and take him outside to go potty. Then if he goes outside I give him a treat. That way he associates going outside with treats, That's how I taught Ollie....worked.
Bisou is a treat monster. She knows that she gets one for going potty outside. Apparently it's just not enough anymore. I'm probably going to have to get her a pony or something.

She'd been doing really well, so I know we're close. Last night I told her we were going to make her wear diapers and I swear she gave me a horrified look. She's very stylish, so maybe putting her in big potty pants will do the trick.
Bisou is a treat monster. She knows that she gets one for going potty outside. Apparently it's just not enough anymore. I'm probably going to have to get her a pony or something.

She'd been doing really well, so I know we're close. Last night I told her we were going to make her wear diapers and I swear she gave me a horrified look. She's very stylish, so maybe putting her in big potty pants will do the trick.


BTW - LOVE the new pics of Bisou!!!!
Thanks :) She's normally really squirmy but this past weekend we were able to get some good snaps of her. Kinda sad to see the baby pics go away. Before I know it she'll be going to prom (perhaps with Batman), then off to college, then who knows? They just grow up so darn fast - sniff, sniff.
:D this whole thread has had me in stitches :D.

My only problem with Dave is, if i take him upstairs, today he did a pee and id only had him up there for five mins! Downstairs he is a dream, he will walk to the door or go outside if its open, which it is mostly with the nice days, he holds it all night, we can put him in his crate if we go early at 10pm and its us that has to wake him at 7 or 8am, depending if its a work day or not, he is 15 wks old now and Brendan the Border is the same though he is just 12 wks old.

Thankfully we need new carpets upstairs anyway :D
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